21 Days to a More Disciplined Life {ebook}

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 If you’ve been a reader here for very long you probably know that I have great respect for Crystal of Money Saving Mom. Not just because she and her husband are using 100% of their profits from her book Money Saving Mom Budget (you can read my review here) to help the people of Dominican Republic. Although that really tugs at my heart strings.

But I’ve also seen over and over that Crystal’s blog is not just a deals blog. Yes, you will find plenty of deal posts on her site. But you’ll also find all kinds of encouragement in other areas of life to simplify, be intentional and rely on the Lord.

Last fall Crystal did a 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life series. It was right about the time we were moving and so while I read the posts I didn’t really do the assignments.


So, I was so excited when I got an email asking if I would be interested in reviewing her ebook by the same name. She has revamped the series and is offering it for purchase for .99, yep that’s right ninety-nine cents. But just until Thursday, Oct. 25th. On Friday, the price goes up to $4.99. Still a bargain.

Here’s a few of the really great things about 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

You will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for your life. I love this quote –  “I am the problem, but I am also the solution.” A lot of times I hear, “Well, you do have 6 children.” or “You have moved a lot.” but you know what? Those are just excuses for my undisciplined nature – they help me avoid personal responsibility.

You’ll be encouraged to do a small task each day. A task you choose to do. Probably one you’ve been putting off. Here’s my small task for day 2 (I read ahead) “Drink only 1 cup of coffee and then only water”  I’m going to carry this into next week. See what I mean – small, you choose.

You’ll be encouraged to work on one mega task for the duration of the 21 days. Again, a task you choose. I’m speaking at a local women’s conference next month. I have my talk all planned out in my head but I’m sure its way longer than the time period I’m allotted. So I really need to spend time each day praying about what God would have me share with these ladies and get it all on paper.

You’ll be encouraged to look at your habits and decide which ones stay, which ones go and what new habits you need to develop. For me, I really need to do some foot stretches and exercises before I get out of bed. I know that my feet will feel much better and yet, I keep thinking, “I’ll just do them later.” But for these excercises the optimal time is before my feet touch the floor so later really isn’t working too well.

Here’s the biggie, you’ll be encouraged to go slow. If you think of 5 small tasks to do on one day, you’ll be encouraged to just do one. If you realize you need to develop 3 new habits, you’ll be encouraged to just start with one. I really like this. This is how true discipline develops.

So if you’re feeling like you need a gentle nudge towards having more discipline in your life I highly suggest purchasing this ebook.

(disclosure:  If you use the links in this post I will receive a small commission if you purchase the book. If that bothers you, that’s ok just use your search engine to find the book. Either way, this is a great book that won’t disappoint you.)

What are your best tips for staying (or becoming) disciplined?

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

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