The May Garden in Zone 9

Lush green leaves surround purple beans hanging from a metal trellis in this vibrant May garden scene. The image features "May Garden" and "" at the bottom.

Our May garden is just delightful! Granted I was traveling for the first two weeks of May so it’s been a really short month for me. We’ve also had much more rain and cooler temperatures than we normally have in May so working in the garden has been a delight. While I was gone, my … Read more

The April Garden in Zone 9

The April garden in zone 9 is truly delightful. The plants are just beginning to produce, the heat hasn't come yet and neither have the pests. Enjoy the tour!

Our April garden is truly delightful! We’ve had quite a bit of rain so we haven’t had to water very often. The plants are growing and fruiting, and the heat isn’t too bad just yet.  On a sad note, it appears we won’t have a citrus harvest this year. In January we had temps that … Read more

The March Garden

The March garden in zone 9 is usually full of a lot of summer seedlings with some hang over plants from the winter garden lingering on. It's a great time.

The March garden in zone 9 is usually full of a lot of summer seedlings with some hang over plants from the winter garden lingering on. It’s a great time. Not a lot is being harvested, but oh there is so much potential. I love doing these monthly(ish) updates and showing the good and the … Read more

The October Garden

Close-up of a young green plant thriving in soil, adorned with dew drops. "The October Garden" is elegantly inscribed in red script at the bottom, accompanied by "" beneath it, capturing the essence of an October Garden.

{Note: The Mother Earth Homesteading Summit is this week. Each day you can listen (for free) to homesteaders who are doing some pretty interesting things. BUT you have to register which you can do here.} Well goodness, I think the heat has finally broken for a few months. We’ve had several days in a row … Read more

The July Garden

A green gourd hangs on a wire fence, perfectly embodying the essence of a flourishing July garden. The text "The July Garden" and "" adorns the bottom, capturing the vibrant spirit of summer growth.

Goodness, our July garden is barely hanging on. We’ve had 100°F temperatures almost every day for over a month and they will continue for at least another month. In years past I would work really hard at trying to keep the garden alive through the heat. I’ve learned that we really just need to focus on keeping … Read more

The June Garden

I have a very special treat for you today, in addition to our own garden update, we’re going to go on a virtual garden tour of eleven other gardens! I always love seeing what other people are growing, and how they are growing food, herbs and flowers. Plus, on this tour you will visit gardens … Read more

The May Garden

Close-up of ripe red tomatoes on the vine, nestled among verdant leaves and supported by a metal cage. The text "The May Garden in Zone 9" graces the top, highlighting the thriving bounty of

When we planted our garden this spring (early to mid March) I knew I was going to have to just be grateful for whatever our garden produced this year. During our normal planting time Carl was in Manila, Philippines with MetroWorld Child which meant that the beds weren’t prepared quite like we like them because our … Read more

The April Garden

A close-up of lush green leaves and small plants showcases the essence of an April Garden, with "The April Garden" in bright red and "" elegantly placed underneath.

So, I know it’s a few days into May but I took these photos about a week ago and just couldn’t get the post written before April ended. But I wanted to share them with you and what’s going on right now in our garden. Our April garden is doing great! We’ve had enough rain … Read more

The March Garden

A close up of a flower

Well, spring is finally here! Although I know many of us didn’t really have much of a winter, it’s nice to have spring here. I’m finding myself lingering outside each day and “walking the garden” as we call it. Not really working, although I probably should be pulling weeds, but just checking on things and … Read more

The January Garden

The zone 9 January garden is full of goodness. This is usually our coldest month and the winter vegetables love the cooler temperatures. Come see what's in our garden this January.

oh my, I just can’t believe that this is the last week of January. We are just a couple of weeks away from our average last frost date which means we need to be starting some seeds soon. We don’t normally plant our warm weather transplants until early March but I like to have them … Read more

The December Garden is full of surprises

A December garden showcases a close-up of a green cabbage plant with large, textured leaves radiating from the center. The natural, wavy pattern of the leaves, some slightly curled at the edges, contrasts beautifully with the surrounding soil and mulch.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! We’re still celebrating with various family members and will be until January 1st but I wanted to pop in and share our December garden with you. We’ve had a really warm fall and winter – in fact, we’ve not run the heater at all and … Read more

The October Garden

The October garden in zone 9 is full of abundance and disappointment all at the same time. The cool weather crops are sprouting and brought in for dinner.

One thing gardening has taught me is to not “count my chickens before they hatch”. There are so many variables in gardening that we just cannot control that I try not to get my hopes up at the beginning of a season. I just have to do what I can and leave the rest up … Read more

The September Garden

Close-up of a flowering plant with lush green leaves and small white flowers. A bee is flying nearby, capturing the essence of the September Garden. At the top, "The September Garden" is displayed, with the website "" below it.

The September garden in zone 9 is very much like many areas early spring garden. We have started many of our cold weather crops but we still have a few warm weather crops growing.  The lemons are slowly turning yellow. Most are still very green and won’t be ready until Thanksgiving but we’ve picked a … Read more

10 ways to share extra garden harvest

What do you do when you've eaten and preserved all you can and the garden is still producing? How about checking our these fun ideas for sharing the harvest.

We are about to begin round two of our garden for 2015. We’ve had a break where we’re not bringing in much harvest and it’s been nice. But I just sowed a whole bunch of fall seeds so we’ll be having more to harvest soon. This week our theme for National Organic Harvest Month is … Read more

The August Garden

The zone 9 August garden is sparse but that doesn't mean nothing is happening. Join us for a little garden tour.

The zone 9 August garden is sparse but that doesn’t mean nothing is happening. We’ve been preparing the beds for the fall garden, harvesting a few things and mostly just enjoying the relaxed pace.  Our citrus trees are doing great! We have lemons on both trees and our mature tree is covered. We’ll have enough lemons … Read more

The July Garden

The July garden in a zone 9 gardening zone is similar to many end of season gardens. It's hot and most plants are done. But not all, come find out what plants are loving the heat.

While many of you are in the glory time of gardening right now, we are about done for the summer. Oh, there are still peppers, luffa, okra, basil and moringa and an occasional small tomato or strawberry, but that’s it. The plants have been in the ground since early March and are spent. It’s hot with … Read more

The June Garden {and a moringa tree giveaway}

The June Garden in Zone 9 is usually full of goodies to harvest. The heat is about to set in and there is usually less than 4 weeks of harvesting left until fall. This year we've had an unusual amount of rain, come see what is doing well and what isn't.

Goodness our June garden has gone through a lot. We started the month harvesting tomatoes, squash and green beans. Then came Tropical Storm Bill which dumped 7 inches on our property in two days. Our ground was already saturated as we’ve already had as much rain as we get in a normal YEAR. Although I’m … Read more

The May Garden

The zone 9 May garden is full of green and blooms. We're starting to harvest the warm loving vegetables like summer squash, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Goodness have we had rain! I’ve only watered twice so far this spring which is a huge time saver for me and the plants love the rain water. It’s been wonderful! Everything in our May garden is so green, such a contrast from previous years.  Our lemon tree is doing great! It’s even blooming again … Read more

The April Garden

The April Garden in zone 9 is full of blooms! Our fruit trees are either blooming or sporting tiny fruit. Our vegetables are blooming and we'll be eating fresh from the garden by the end of the month.

So much has happened in our garden these last few weeks and our April Garden is looking promising. Our sweet peas are producing; I just love the flowers. I didn’t plant a lot and I planted really late, kind of spur of the moment really, but we’ve been enjoying a few a day as an … Read more

The March Garden

SchneiderPeeps - The March Garden in zone 9 is FULL of life. The fruit trees are blooming, the cold crops are being harvested and the young spring seeds are germinating. It's an enjoyable time.

We have had so much rain this year so far and our plants are loving it! So far. We’ve had twice the amount of rain in March than we normally have for the entire month and we’re expecting more this weekend. It’s making for an interesting March garden.  This is our Meyer lemon tree full … Read more