how to make a grocery bag holder

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When I was making the cushion for rocking chair I thought the fabric would be great for a grocery bag holder. The one I have matched the old house but not this one.

So while I was making the bag I thought I’d do a little tutorial…

Materials needed
20″ X 27″ piece of fabric
20″ X 6″ piece of fabric
2″ X 20″ piece of fabric
13 inches of 1/4″ elastic

Start with the 2″X20″ fabric. Fold in both of the long edges to the middle. You can iron this to set the creases.

Now fold the the fabric in half so that both raw edges are tucked nicely in and  pin.

Stitch along the edge….I stitch along both sides…you don’t have to, I just like the look.

Now, take the 20″X6″ piece of fabric and zigzag along one long side. This will keep the fabric from fraying.

Put right sides together and stitch the short sides together. Now you should have a tube that is 6″ long.

Put aside.

Lay out  the large piece of fabric with the 20″ side up top and the 27″ side on the sides. Pin the handle about 5″ in from each side at the top. Stitch the raw ends of the handle to the fabric. Also, pin the handle lower so that it stays out of the way.

Fold the fabric in half  right sides together and sew the long sides together. Now you have a tube that is 27″ long.

Turn  the long tube right side out. Put the short tube over the long tube matching raw edges. (this is the side with the handles). Pin all around and stitch together.

Turn lining into bag and topstitch around the top.

On the bottom, make a casing and insert elastic.

voila, you have a snazzy bag to keep all your plastic grocery sacks.

First Order ships for $2.95

Here’s a great place to purchase all kinds of fabric at a fantastic price. (read our affiliate disclosure here)

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3 thoughts on “how to make a grocery bag holder”

  1. I love making these bags; they are so simple and a quick project. Several years ago I taught some kids how to make one in a sewing class. We made ours from fabric scraps stitched together and then top stitched. My bag holder, the sample used during the class, hangs in my kitchen and is used daily.


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