In the garden…

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One of my goals for 2012 was to have a complete garden planted by May because it gets too hot here to plant anything after May. So far, we’ve done pretty good especially since I was so distracted this spring. We’ve already harvested a lot of yellow squash, zucchini and white patty pan squash. I’m trying really hard to offer the extra to people without being pushy…I don’t want people avoiding me.

Our blueberries are doing quite well. They are on the small side, I don’t know if it’s the variety or if I’m not watering them enough. We’re still going to try to start new plants from a friend’s bushes so we’ll be able to compare them next year.

This is a volunteer tomato plant that is growing right off our patio. By the time I discovered it, it already had tomatoes so I decided to leave it where it was.

These are the lemons on the lemon tree that came with the house. My other lemon tree isn’t doing so well. I’m hoping it survives.

Our tomatoes are starting to ripen. This is a variety called Cherokee Purple. We also planted Roma, Lemon Boy, Rutgers, Lemon Boy, Cherry, Yellow Pear and Yellow Cherry.

Benjamin standing by the zucchini plants. He and Gabriel help me the most in the garden. Both of them enjoy harvesting and looking for vine borers which we’ve already had one round of.

Our pumpkins are starting to turn orange already. I really need to figure out when to plant these so that they are ready a little later in the summer. Last year we planted too late and the plants got burned up and the couple of pumpkins that did ripen got eaten by pill bugs. This year we’re putting plates under each pumpkin, I don’t care who makes fun of me. We are also already having trouble with powdery mildew.

All in all the garden’s doing well. There’s some things we forgot to plant, like spaghetti squash and melons, so we’ve gone ahead and planted some seeds.

If you garden tell us how your garden is doing. If you have pictures please leave a link in your comment.

This post is linked to Barn Hop

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20 thoughts on “In the garden…”

  1. The garden looks great. I can’t wait to do mine next year. I don’t know if we will have enough time this year to plant much. I will have to look up some info on VA. What kind of plates do you put your pumpkins on? I think it is a great idea and will probably try it. Just want to know what plates. I would think the pill bugs would eat the paper plates as well as the pumpkin.

    • I did the year before last and got mocked relentlessly from some unnamed family members and neighbors (it was all in fun.) Then I didn’t last year and lost every single pumpkin to bugs! Plates are very worth the mockery.

  2. Your garden looks so lush and full already! We live in a different climate zone than you–I am just now hardening off my tomato, eggplant and pepper starts, and it’s still really too cold at night to plant them out without covering them. I grew Cherokee Purple last year, and it was good. I have little green blueberries, about at the stage of yours, in my garden at the moment as well.

    • I can’t wait to try them. We picked the first one last night but it needs a couple of days on the kitchen window sill. BTW, your gardens are great I hope over time we can fill in our yard and have it beautiful like yous.

    • Blueberries don’t nauturally grow here. I keep mine in a pot (a mollasses tote) and planted it just in peat and I mulch with pine needles and coffee grounds. If it gets too cold I can move them up near the house and cover them…but I think blueberries are pretty cold hardy.

  3. Your garden is looking looking great. You are so far ahead of my garden. I am just getting started and you are over half way to harvest. I also always set my squash and pumpkins up on something ( plate or a wooden board). That way they never get soft on the bottom. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks, Lexa. I put out our transplants in early March. So we’ve been going for a while. I’m going to try to keep the veggies going year round this year. We’ll see what happens.

  4. Your garden looks fantastic. I love that you have a lemon tree. We normally do pumpkins, but opted not to this year. I am definitely missing them this year! I am stopping by from Tuesday Greens. Have a great weekend!


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