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Lots of stuff is growing in our little backyard right now. I thought I’d share a few pictures….
pineapple is looking nice. I’m not sure how long it will take to get full grown, but we check it almost every day.
blueberries are kind of lame this year. I’m not sure why but it probably has something to do with us being down 6″ of rain so far this year.
Here’s the famous
kale we’re growing. The picture doesn’t really do it justice, it’s almost 4′ tall!
And our equally famous
swiss chard. It’s not as pretty once you start picking leaves off but it tastes really good.
We’re getting a few cucumbers. I think I’ll have enough to put up some of my Granny’s Bread and Butter pickles this weekend.
Look at our Sugar Baby watermelons. I’m so excited about these. We probably have about 15 on the vines.
Here’s our cantaloupe patch. We have about 20 of them on the vines.
These are some Hami gold melons that I planted from some seeds that I had saved from a store bought melon. I hope they do well.
Here’s my okra sandwiched in between the cantaloupes and the Hami Gold melons. I think I planted a little close.
We have lots of lady bugs. Unfortunately we’re also already seeing the Leaffooted bugs about a month earlier than normal.
My husband’s banana peppers are busting with peppers. He really likes them red instead of yellow so we have fun teasing him about his red bananas.
We picked 25 pounds of
tomatoes this morning. We’ve not picked in a few days because we’ve been busy with Vacation Bible School. I was so excited when we weighed them. We’ve had some issues with our tomatoes this year and I’m pretty certain we won’t meet our goal of canning a years worth of tomato products. But 25 pounds is nothing to wink at.
One of the fun and frustrating things about gardening is that it never really goes as planned. You plant and enrich your soil, you water and weed and you pray and then have to leave it up to God. The end result is always a surprise.
How’s your garden looking these days? Share with us in the comments.
Thanks for sharing with your friends!
The garden looks amazing. Wow!
I didn’t know you could get that many melons from one vine. Cool!
Thanks, we have about 6 watermelon and 6 cantaloupe vines. I’m not sure about the Hami gold melons.
It all looks wonderful and makes me anxious to get my garden bigger. I’ve been so late getting things planted this year. Hopefully by July the rest of my seeds will be in the ground :O) We’ve had too many unexpected delays and sometimes it hard to keep going when things go wrong such as cute bunnies feasting on things when they shouldn’t be.
Your idea to use a tomato cage for cucumbers is neat; I must give this a try!
This has been a weird weather year for us, too. We probably only have 4-6 weeks left of harvesting so, now my attitude it is, “Whatever we get is good.” I planted green beans about 4 times but we’ve battled a late freeze, pill bug infestation and some family “help” that wasn’t so helpful. It’s almost makes me happy that we’re pasted the planting times until fall.
The tomato cages for the cucumbers are working out pretty good. But the only reason I used them was because the bamboo stakes and twine I thought would work wasn’t working well. Live and learn…
Wow! That’s amazing. So far in my neck of the woods we have just the leafy greens and are sampling our first strawberries of the year. I am particularly envious of your watermelons. I tried the sugar baby last year and we got one ripe one to devour and one that we ate “not quite ripe” because the frosts came before it was fully ripe.
I’m jealous of your strawberries! I really wanted to plant a strawberry patch but we ran out of time and money for the garden. That’s one of the drawbacks of living here is that the hot weather some so quickly. Last time we had watermelons, they came up as volunteers in our tomato bed and so we moved the tomatos to let the melons grow. Not one of them got ripe! They came up in March and we finally checked the last of them in late September. Complete duds. lol
We’ve been late getting things in this year too. I don’t want to complain about the rain, but it always seems to happen on the only day available to get out there and prep beds! OUr melons are slowly getting started, still very much seedlings. Beautiful gardens!
Isn’t that the way it always seems to be when gardening. Feel free to send some of that rain our way! Thanks for stopping by.