In the garden…our new raised beds

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Last fall,  we (as in I) decided that we really need raised beds. There were a variety of reasons for this, most importantly our big boys are growing up and moving away or getting jobs that keep them from being here when I need them. Also, as I look to the future I see that in 10-15 years we’re probably not going to as agile as we are now. I want the garden to be something I can do on my own, if I need to.

So we slowly began building a box here and a box there. We bought a small wood chipper because I really want wood chip walk ways so we don’t have to mow the garden and began slowly making walkways.

Then I saw what Gretchen, over at Backyard Farming Connection, was doing. I fell in love with it. Go ahead and click on over.  You can see her raised beds in the header picture and also in the post.

And so, as my husband has been cutting down some large menacing trees we’ve been building some beds.

When I posted our try at kale chips I mentioned that I don’t always wash the veggies from our garden. After seeing these guys munching away, I’ve had to reconsider that laziness…

Look at what they’ve done  to our swiss chard! We had rain off and for two weeks and then we went out of town for a few day. This is what we came back to. Here’s what it looked like just 2 weeks ago. I do hope it makes it to flower as I want to collect the seeds.

I think the apple tree is a little confused. So is one of the plum trees we. We planted them this spring so I guess it takes a year or so for them to adjust.

Before we planted the orchard we put out some wildflower seeds. Not tons and since the best time to plant wildflower seeds here is in November I didn’t have high hopes of getting anything this year. But look what has popped up. If you know what that pink flower is please let me know. I’d love to plant more.
What’s been happening in your garden?

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

10 thoughts on “In the garden…our new raised beds”

    • I guess I’ve never looked a zinnia quite so closely. It’s in an area that we haven’t ever watered so I’m pretty excited about that. I’ll be throwing out lots of seeds so hopefully we’ll have a feild full over time.


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