In the garden…what’s happening this week

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It reached 100 degrees here a couple of times this week – and that did not include the heat index. Rain also came through our area, we were driving back from a scout meeting in a town about 30 miles away and it hailed on us for about half of the way. We hurried home and covered our garden as best we could and waited…and waited…and waited. The rain never got to our place. The next night was VBS and it poured in town, but not a drop at home. So at our place, we’ve had 3.5 inches of rain since early February.

But we are watering and I think the irrigation system is working well and the leaves are keeping the water from evaporating. We are still fighting the vine borers. We’ve lost all of our original nine squash plant and all but one of our patty pan squash plants. However, the new zucchini is finally setting fruit so we’ll be picking soon. We bought some liquid bt and are actually injecting the vines when we see sign of vine borers.

Our first zucchini on the second planting

okra to the left and large pumpkins to the right

pie pumkin – can’t wait for some homemade pumpkin pie
cayenne peppers – these 4 plants that Christian bought are just full of peppers!

our radishes are blooming. we plant these to help keep the bugs off our other plants.
we let them go to seed and then collect the seed for next year.
garlic that I picked to can with some tomatoes and onions

each day we let the chickens out to forage – we just have to watch and make
sure they don’t eat the garden!

For more garden inspiration check out Around the Farm,  Tuesday Garden Party and Frugal Gardening 101

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

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