No, that’s not the new name of our home. Although it probably fits right now. This is the week of the drama performance for Gabriel and Benjamin. Which means they have practice for 3 or more hours each day except Wednesday.
Their play is called Kamp Kaos. So far, I haven’t seen any of the play. I’m pretty excited about that. In order to not be the slacker mama I offered to stencil the t-shirts for all the campers.
We used freezer paper, acrylic paint and a textile medium to make the acrylic paint not get super hard and crack when we wash the shirts.

First thing to do is to print up your design. We just printed on regular paper and then taped that to the freezer paper but you can cut your freezer paper to 8.5″X11″ and run it through your printer.
Next, use an xacto knife and cut out the letters (or design).

Iron the shiny side of the freezer paper to the shirt. The freezer paper will stick to the shirt. If you have a lot of edges like I do, make sure that they all get pressed down.

I love how this turned out. What a neat idea and I’m thinking this would work well for future Christmas gifts. Perhaps a person could do a simple picture, such as a dog or cat, and then add a name or fun saying under the picture. Where do you get textile medium? At a craft store?
You could. A while back we did one a onesie with the baby’s name in cursive and put ruffles on the back. It turned out so cute.
The textile medium can be found near the small craft bottles of acrylic paint. I got mine from Hobby Lobby but I bet Walmart would carry it if they have the acrylic paint.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with.