The January Garden

The zone 9 January garden is full of goodness. This is usually our coldest month and the winter vegetables love the cooler temperatures. Come see what's in our garden this January.

oh my, I just can’t believe that this is the last week of January. We are just a couple of weeks away from our average last frost date which means we need to be starting some seeds soon. We don’t normally plant our warm weather transplants until early March but I like to have them … Read more

The January Garden

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

We finally had our first freeze last week, so no more tomato jungle, we dug up the volunteer potato crop and harvested the last of the basil and the seeds. Everything else is the garden is cold hardy so it did fine in the freeze. We are having a wetter winter than we’ve had the … Read more