The March Garden

The March garden in zone 9 is usually full of a lot of summer seedlings with some hang over plants from the winter garden lingering on. It's a great time.

The March garden in zone 9 is usually full of a lot of summer seedlings with some hang over plants from the winter garden lingering on. It’s a great time. Not a lot is being harvested, but oh there is so much potential. I love doing these monthly(ish) updates and showing the good and the … Read more

The March Garden

A close up of a flower

Well, spring is finally here! Although I know many of us didn’t really have much of a winter, it’s nice to have spring here. I’m finding myself lingering outside each day and “walking the garden” as we call it. Not really working, although I probably should be pulling weeds, but just checking on things and … Read more

The March Garden

SchneiderPeeps - The March Garden in zone 9 is FULL of life. The fruit trees are blooming, the cold crops are being harvested and the young spring seeds are germinating. It's an enjoyable time.

We have had so much rain this year so far and our plants are loving it! So far. We’ve had twice the amount of rain in March than we normally have for the entire month and we’re expecting more this weekend. It’s making for an interesting March garden.  This is our Meyer lemon tree full … Read more

The March Garden

March is halfway over and I’m thinking it’s pretty safe to to plant the majority of our garden. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, we spent way too much time socializing this spring break and not enough time in the garden. So, yesterday afternoon we all spent a few hours working … Read more