The February Garden

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The February Garden Zone 9

Our average last frost date is Feb. 15th. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’ll be rushing out and planting all our seeds on Feb. 16th. As exciting as that sounds it just isn’t prudent. The soil is still too cool for most seeds to germinate and most of our early spring crops are already planted. Also, we might just have a freak freeze in early March like we did last year. So, instead of jumping the gun, I’m going to enjoy what I already have for a few more weeks…

daffodils blooming

These daffodils and Christmas catus make me smile everytime I drive up my driveway.

Easter Lilly poking through soil

The Easter Lillies are now peaking through the mulch.

small fig tree budding out

The fig tree is budding out.

blueberry bushes buds

The blueberry bushes are full of buds. I need to figure out how to prune them this year.

mature kale plants

This Kale was planted 16 months ago. It’s survived day after day of over 100 degree weather and a winter with temps that dipped into the 20’s. Kale is a super star in my opinion.

kale and swiss chard plants

Our newly planted kale and Swiss Chard. I love the way chard looks in the garden.

lettuce bed

Some of the lettuce is starting to bolt. We’re leaving it for the bees. But most of it is wonderful. I have black seeded lettuce, romaine and bib.

cabbage and broccoli bed

We only have a couple  more head of cabbage left. Next year I need to plant more than 9 plants. The broccoli is doing amazing.

cauliflower and broccoli growing

The cauliflower is now forming heads. These are the plants I transplanted months ago.

onion seedlings

These onion seedlings are an experiment. I was supposed to plant them in November, I planted them in January.

growing garlic

The garlic has overwintered really well. I know it needs to be weeded – that’s not my strong point.


These purple wildflowers have popped up all over our yard. I’m not sure what they are but they are a groundcover.

small greenhouse with seedlings

The greenhouse if full of 250 seed starts! Carl had to tie down the greenhouse and it’s not really made for withstanding 20 mph winds.

What’s going on in your garden this month?

This post is shared at Barn Hop, Mostly Handmade Monday, Backyard Farming Connection, Tuesday Greens, Maple Hill Hop, Simple Lives Thursday,  Green Thumb Thursday, Home and Garden Thursday, HomeAcre Blog Hop, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, Small Footprint Friday, Homemaking Blog hop, Mountian Woman Rendezvous, What We Learned Wednesday,


Thanks for sharing with your friends!

16 thoughts on “The February Garden”

    • It is wonderful. This is my favorite gardening time. In the heat of the summer, I get so discouraged. I’m hoping these monthly posts will help with that.

  1. My garden is still buried under a foot of snow but the sun is shining and we should be into the 40s by next week! Thanks for the lovely glimpse of green!

    • wow! I’ve only seen a foot of snow one time….in 2005 when we had a freak Christmas Eve snow – the only one in over 100 years. It was absolutely beautiful! But gone in a week or so. Spring will be here before you know it.

  2. Everything looks so fabulous, Angi! I’m almost jealous of how lush your garden is, because mine really should be. I’ve been dragging my feet on one garden, and another one is being treated for nematodes, unfortunately, and won’t be ready until March for planting. Love seeing yours though, such an encouragement for me to get myself out there and plant!


    • Thanks, Kristi! Fall/winter gardening is my absolute favorite gardening time. It’s so much more relaxed and I don’t have to worry about the heat or most pests. March will be here before you know it – perfect time for planting most things.

  3. Our planting date is Mother’s Day…. long wait ahead of us! I have an indoor garden which has succumbed to an assortment of fairly bad bug/insect problems. Interestingly, sorrel which is a perennial here, and which I dug and brought inside, isn’t bothered by bugs (knock wood!) But I’ve been harvesting sorrel, kale, collards, and sweet potato leaves for my morning green smoothies from my indoor pots. Wonderful!

    • That’s so cool that you have an indoor garden! I’m hoping to grow some greens inside this summer when it’s too hot for them outside. Are you using grow lights? or just the natural lighting in your home?

  4. Lovely garden! We finally got ours chicken/duck proofed so now I have my seedlings out. I, too, love rainbow chard in the garden, it’s so pretty! (and tasty)

  5. Angi, the little purple flowers are henbit. 🙂 It’s the first thing to bloom here in Oklahoma and I love seeing patches of them in my yard. I’m amazed that you have so much in your garden already/still! Thank you for sharing this at the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you’ll join us again this Thursday.
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead

    • oh, that’s good to know. Thanks so much for the name. Everything in my garden right now is stuff I planted in October. We’ll start putting in our spring/summer garden in a few weeks.


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