The January Garden

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SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard. We finally had our first freeze last week, so no more tomato jungle, we dug up the volunteer potato crop and harvested the last of the basil and the seeds. Everything else is the garden is cold hardy so it did fine in the freeze. We are having a wetter winter than we’ve had the last few years and we’re really enjoying the rain.

The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and Swiss chard. It’s nice to go out to the garden and have a whole “produce stand” to chose from for dinner. 

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

Our green onions are doing great. It’s such a simple thing but it’s nice to not have to buy green onions since I never need an entire bunch at one time. 

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

Even though we harvest the outside leaves of the lettuce, it never makes it the entire season so I sowed more seeds. I guess it’s because our season for growing lettuce is almost 6 months long. As you can see, some of it looks really sad.

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

This is the Chinese cabbage. I thought Chinese cabbage was more elongated, but this one is definitely round. We’ve been making stir fry with it and I’m trying my hand at some cabbage rolls. 

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

The cauliflower is so pretty, it’s like a little surprise when I peek inside those big leaves.

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

The regular cabbage is starting to ball up and the broccoli is just now developing heads. Have I ever mentioned that we really like cooked cabbage, especially with sausage and potatoes? 

SchneiderPeeps - The January Garden in zone 9 is full of green and looks like many zones late spring garden. We have are harvesting vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cauliflower and swiss chard.

The Swiss chard and kale are doing great! I can hardly keep up with them… or the weeds. 

We also have some onions that I started form seed that need to be transplanted soon and sadly, I forgot to plant garlic this fall. I’m not sure how that happened. 

The seed catalogs are coming in and I need to gather up all our seeds and see what we need to order. I have quite the seed collection from our Seeds of the Month membership. We’ll be starting seeds within the next 3 or 4 weeks as our average last frost is February 15th and I like to start planting outside in early March. We’ll be using the soil blocker again this year. 

We’ll be adding a few more trees this month, too. I’m hoping to get avocado and elderberry trees. 


The Gardening Notebook is the ultimate gardening tool. This printable notebook has over 120 pages of information and organization to help you have the garden you've always dreamed of. I’ve updated The Gardening Notebook and added 10 more plant profiles – mainly fruits and herbs. The updated edition is available in the shop.

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