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This September has brought us cooler temperatures and more rain than we normally experience in September. I’m grateful for that. We have begun planting our fall and winter garden but have much fore to do. We have very little left from our summer garden We have random morning glories all over our garden. During the summer I pull them to keep them from choaking out the plants but when everything else dies, I just let them grow. I try to pull them before they set seeds. I love morning glories, I just don’t want them in the garden.
This is bed of buckwheat that we just turned under in preparation of planing garlic. We have serveral of these beds.
The basil is still growing strong. I’m hopeful to put up enough pesto to make it until next summer. Some plants have already gone to seed and we’re collecting the seeds to plan for next year.
I’m not sure if I mentioned we planted table grapes this past spring, but we did. The chickens ate one plant but the other 3 are doing really well – we put some fencing around them, I’m sure that helped ;-).
Our Meyer lemons are looking good. We don’t have near as many as we did last year. I’m not sure why, the tree actually flowered twice. I pruned it for the first time this spring, maybe that has something to do with it? But it’s given us 300lbs of lemons for each of the last two years so if it needs to rest the year, that’s ok.
Under the lemon tree is our chickens favorite place to hang out…
We have this chili pequin bush that is just loaded with chilis. Don’t let the size fool you, these suckers are spicy!
Why, yes, that is a watermelon plant growing in my front flower bed. It popped up a while back and I’m letting it stay. I don’t know that there is time to actually get a watermelon but it’s nice to have something in my front flower bed that the neighbor’s rabbits are not interested in. 😉
Oh, the morning glories! This is the first year I’ve had success with them. However, my success is that I have a few trailing vines up our garden fence. They haven’t even bloomed yet. But, this is better than previous years. Maybe next year we will have some as beautiful as yours.
Hi Angi,
Great garden. I enjoyed the cooler weather we had this year. I received a dwarf Meyer Lemon for Christmas last year. I started bringing it in at night lately and will probably bring it in for good soon with grow lights. It has 12 beautiful lemons on it right now that are just starting to ripen. Can’t wait!
Stopping over from Tuesday Garden Party.
Have a good one!
Thanks for stopping by. I love that you are growing a Meyer Lemon in a pot, I think they are so pretty. Have you ever tasted a Meyer Lemon? They are devine 😉
Oh, you still have a lot going on there. Lemons, what a treat! Your basil looks fabulous! Ours didn’t do so well this year. Enjoy the remnants of your summer garden! Thanks for sharing your outdoor post on this week’s Maple Hill Hop!
Angi, I have a morning glory problem in my garden. I let them bloom one year because I thought they were so pretty and now…BIG problem, so you are smart to pull them up before they go to seed. I use buckwheat as green and cover crop too. I have always enjoyed its contributions. The honeybees love it too! Your lemon tree is gorgeous! I hope to add one next year or two.
Oh, the morning glories! This is the first year I’ve had success with them. However, my success is that I have a few trailing vines up our garden fence. They haven’t even bloomed yet. But, this is better than previous years. Maybe next year we will have some as beautiful as yours.
Just let them bloom and go to seed, you’ll have plenty next year ;-). I love morning glories, we have them in other areas that we just let runamuk.
Hi Angi,
Great garden. I enjoyed the cooler weather we had this year. I received a dwarf Meyer Lemon for Christmas last year. I started bringing it in at night lately and will probably bring it in for good soon with grow lights. It has 12 beautiful lemons on it right now that are just starting to ripen. Can’t wait!
Stopping over from Tuesday Garden Party.
Have a good one!
Thanks for stopping by. I love that you are growing a Meyer Lemon in a pot, I think they are so pretty. Have you ever tasted a Meyer Lemon? They are devine 😉
Oh, you still have a lot going on there. Lemons, what a treat! Your basil looks fabulous! Ours didn’t do so well this year. Enjoy the remnants of your summer garden! Thanks for sharing your outdoor post on this week’s Maple Hill Hop!
Angi, I have a morning glory problem in my garden. I let them bloom one year because I thought they were so pretty and now…BIG problem, so you are smart to pull them up before they go to seed. I use buckwheat as green and cover crop too. I have always enjoyed its contributions. The honeybees love it too! Your lemon tree is gorgeous! I hope to add one next year or two.
We’ve been pulling the morning glories for several years now, it’s crazy how rampant they can get. Your new site looks great, by the way!