We celebrate Valentine’s Day at our homeschool co-op each year. It’s really fun since the teenagers participate, too. The younger children look up to them and love including them in the celebration. The teens usually don’t do cards, they just start dropping candy in everyone’s bag – you know because that is the important part. The fun part comes during lunch when everyone opens their bags to check out their “loot”.

We have several students who have pretty severe food allergies so we’re always careful to include non-edibles for them and their parents bring appropriate edible treats for them.

Every couple of years our family rounds up all our broken crayons and we make heart shaped rainbow crayons to give. We’ll do some this year as we have a lot of new families at co-op and really, who doesn’t like rainbow crayons. Also, I made these printable cards with scripture on them. You can download them by clicking here. If you need some without scripture you can download those here.
What do you do for Valentines Day or celebrations? If you have links to other Valentine ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments.