Refrigerator Dill Pickles – A Quick and Easy Recipe

Two mason jars of cucumber spears with spices to make refrigerator dill pickles.

These easy refrigerator dill pickles (aka icebox pickle or quick pickles) are so delicious and are a great way to quickly put up small batches of cucumbers from your garden or the grocery store. This recipe is for refrigerator dill pickles but you can make all kinds of refrigerator pickles using this recipe as a … Read more

Easy Watermelon Sorbet – with or without an ice cream maker

watermelon sorbet in turquoise ramekin garnished with lime and mint

No matter how much succession planting I try to do, our melons all seem to ripen about the same time. It’s fantastic to be able to eat as much watermelon as you want day after day but we also like to enjoy watermelon more than just one month out of the year. Watermelon sorbet is … Read more

Five questions for a more meaningful and frugal Christmas

several borax Christmas ornaments

Earlier this year I wrote a post about how I struggle with the excess of our society and how our decision to live a simple lifestyle has enabled us to be able to give to those who are in need, both locally and internationally. This is an ongoing struggle for me and probably will always … Read more

Growing Fruit

SchneiderPeeps - There are many reasons to grow fruit even on small property. With just a little bit of planning you can enjoy fresh fruit for many years.

Since buying our property a little over three years ago we have been adding fruit trees a little at a time. When we moved here there was a mature Meyer lemon tree and two mature pecan trees. Also, our neighbor has a mature mulberry tree that over hangs our property that he lets us pick.  … Read more

Handling Holiday Stress

Tomorrow is my children’s favorite day of the year. There’s been so much talk about Thanksgiving that Esther is waking up each morning this week saying “Today’s Thanksgiving” and going to bed each night saying, “Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving”. Won’t she be excited tonight when we say “yes” instead of “not yet”. And why are they so excited? Food, … Read more

The Gardening Notebook

Cover of "The Gardening Notebook" by Angi Schneider. It showcases a vibrant photo of green leaves and red berries, perfectly echoing the joys of growing basil. At the bottom, find the website

Since most gardeners are either busy harvesting or planning for fall gardens right now, I thought it might be helpful to have a little sale on The Gardening Notebook. This is the time of year that finds me really evaluating my garden and making notes of changes I want to make or things I want to try. The Gardening … Read more

The Gardening Notebook

Do you read gardening books and think, “Oh, I need to remember that”? And then later can’t remember what you were supposed to remember? Do you take care to write down what you planted and harvested one year only to not be able to find the paper the next year? When you have a question … Read more

in the kitchen…dehydrating tomatoes

Image of sliced tomatoes on a dehydrator tray. Text overlay reads, "How to Dehydrate Tomatoes" with "" written at the bottom.

A friend surprised me with a lot of grape tomatoes. Usually when I have too many tomatoes I can them, but grape tomatoes would give me lots of skins in the tomatoes. So, I thought I’d dehydrate them. I love sun dried tomatoes. And while these aren’t quite “sun dried” I think they’ll do nicely. … Read more

in my kitchen… roasting pumpkin seeds

Last week a friend offered us some pumpkins that were left over from her school. I was so excited, especially after our dismal pumpkin harvest this year. So we spent the day cooking, pureeing and freezing pumpkin… and roasting the seeds. (We should have been unpacking but we seem to have lost our momentum) We had … Read more

In the garden… blueberries

A close-up of a blueberry bush with clusters of small white bell-shaped flowers. The plant has slender branches and green leaves, set against a blurred background of grass and a fence.

Have I mentioned that we have blueberry bushes? Well, we have three. I bought them last year (as in 2010) on clearance at Walmart. They didn’t really do much last year, in fact, I wasn’t sure if one was going to make it. But it did. This year they had beautiful white blooms on them. … Read more

Summer Sewing School {make a super easy hotpad}

I hope you guys had fun making your pincushions last week. We had a great time and everyone finished their project here at the house. So, now that we have your pins and needles all organized we’re going get on with another useful project. Making hotpads. There are a million and one ways to make … Read more

wild grape jelly

This weekend Carl and the boys went grape hunting. Usually there are mustang grapes growing all along the country roads out here. Last year they picked 6 five gallon buckets in just an hour or so. Not this year. With the drought none of the vines they picked last year are producing grapes. A friend’s … Read more