How to make a shoe rug in just a few minutes

If our family is in the habit of taking their shoes off at the door, your entry way can get pretty cluttered. Learn how to make a quick shoe rug to keep it looking tidy.

Between Christmas and New Years we ripped the carpet out of our house and laid down floors. It was something we’ve wanted to do since we bought our house five years ago. It was somewhat stressful but overall a great experience. We capitalized on our college age children being home and not having work or … Read more

How to Sew a Powder Puff

Two homemade powder puffs

Last week Esther and I spend some time making body powder for our family. It was such a fun project and we wrote up the recipe and shared it here. But what’s body powder without powder puffs?  So, we made some powder puffs. This is a great beginning sewing project. It took us less than an … Read more

Drawstring bag tutorial

A close up of a draw string bag

I have a thing for bags and sacks. Anytime my kids start a new activity I start asking “Do you need a bag for…art, dance, scouts, drama and now….crochet?” A couple of our homeschool co-op moms agreed to teach crocheting as a class this year. Oh, I wish I could sit in on that class! But since … Read more

Quick Strip Quilt Tutorial Using Fat Quarters

closeup of a doll quilt and a doll

Strip quilts are so easy and fun to make and are perfect for a quick win or for teaching children how to quilt. Using fat quarters instead of fabric yardage makes this project even easier. A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to get some official Little House on the Prairie® fabric from … Read more

Tips for Making Coiled Rope Baskets

A close up of coiled rope baskets

ok, we (as in I) have fallen in love with making rope baskets. There is something fulfilling about taking something utilitarian (the rope) and creating a beautiful and useful basket. However, you know you’ve crossed a line when you “demand” that the kids take the new rope harvest basket out to collect eggs instead of … Read more

The Amazing Pillowcase Dress Sew~Along {Traditional Dress}

SchneiderPeeps - Traditional Pillowcase Dresses can be made with real pillowcases or just from fabric. Learn how to make a pillowcase dress that won't fall off if one of the ties comes untied. This is one in a series of variations.

Note: Once a week I share a popular post from the archives. This post was originally published in June 2012. This week we’re going to make a traditional pillowcase dress. If you’ve never really sewn before this will be a great first project. I had intended to use an actual pillowcase for this dress but … Read more

The Amazing Pillowcase Dress Sew~Along {Lined and Empire Waist version}

SchneiderPeeps - Pillowcase Dresses are a really fun way to give new life to a vintage pillowcase

Note: Once a week I share a popular post from the archives. This post was originally published in June 2012. Even though pillowcase dresses are supposed to be simple and carefree, sometimes when you use a vintage pillowcase the fabric is see through and you really need to line the dress. Also, sometimes a pillowcase … Read more

Crayon Tote Bag Tutorial

"Colorful crayon tote bag hanging on a door handle. It features a star and polka dot design with crayon slots. Text above reads 'Crayon Tote Bag Tutorial,' and the bottom text says ''.

It’s interesting living in two worlds – one being the world of teenagers and adult children and the other being the world of preshoolers. In some ways, the worlds are so very different and, in some ways, remarkably similar. I’ve also noticed that the preschool world that Esther lives in is different than the preschool … Read more

How about a Messenger Bag?

A child holds a vibrant orange and pink patterned messenger bag, adorned with lace flowers and buttons. The image showcases text reading "Messenger Bag Tutorial" and "SchneiderPeeps," set against a cozy patio with potted plants in the background.

It’s been a while – a long while – since I’ve done fun sewing. Not to say that sewing drama costumes and mending ballet performance costumes isn’t fun, it’s just not that same as spending some time doing a quick project that brings happiness to your daughters. I recently recently purchased some fun fabric thinking it … Read more

Easy Pillow Covers {a tutorial}

SchneiderPeeps - Easy Pillow Covers Tutorial. The easiest way to update a room is with pillows. Here is a way to just recover the pillows instead of buying new ones.

One of the quickest ways to brighten or update a living room is to change out the throw pillows. But throw pillows can be pretty expensive, even on sale. So I just recover them. And my favorite way to make a cover is with an overlapping back, so there’s no need for a zipper. I just … Read more

ballet skirts

A woman and a child wearing ballet outfits are practicing a dance pose on a sunlit porch. The woman is helping the child balance on one leg. There are potted plants and a welcome mat beside them. The background features trees and a grassy yard.

One of the things about being sick on Christmas is that the small final details don’t get done until much later. Case in point, sewing the ribbon on one of Phoebe’s ballet skirts. I found this great pattern to make an adult size ballet skirt at The Selfish Seamstress, who, by the way, is really … Read more

how to make a grocery bag holder

A fabric bag with a geometric pattern hangs from a hook in a closet. It's elongated and closed at both ends, resembling a tube.

When I was making the cushion for rocking chair I thought the fabric would be great for a grocery bag holder. The one I have matched the old house but not this one. So while I was making the bag I thought I’d do a little tutorial… Materials needed 20″ X 27″ piece of fabric … Read more

The Amazing Pillowcase Dress Sew~Along {Elastic Version}

The first time I made Phoebe a pillowcase dress I made it the traditional way and I thought it was pretty cute. It was a little hard to get the ribbon tied without the dress falling off but we eventually got it done.  When Christian, who was then about 11, saw it he declared it “inappropiate”. … Read more

The Amazing Pillowcase Dress Sew~Along {Supply List}

So, what exactly do you need to make a traditional pillowcase dress? Fortunately, not much. Here’s the basic list… pillowcase ribbon sewing machine matching thread ric rac or other embellishments (optional) For some of the other variations you will need… 1/4″ elastic elastic thread bias tape (you can make your own, if you want) extra … Read more

The Amazing Pillowcase Dress Sew – Along

  For our summer sew-along I thought we’d make some pillowcase dresses. Before you roll your eyes click off this post, hear me out.  As I thought about projects that are fit the parameters that I want to keep for a summer sew along I believe that the pillowcase dress and variations of it will fit … Read more

Sewing with commerical patterns…cutting out the fabric

In our last “lesson” we talked about how to read the outside of a pattern package. Now that we have that down and have picked our fabric it’s time to cut it out. When you open the package you will find some pattern pieces and some instructions. On the first page of the instructions there … Read more