Are Automatic Chicken Doors Worth It?

white rooster coming out of a hen house through an automatic chicken door

We’ve been keeping chickens for about 15 years and over the years I’ve thought about getting an automatic chicken coop door. But, honestly, it didn’t need like the right thing for us until recently. If you’re a backyard chicken keeper, you know that caring for your feathered friends can be both rewarding and time-consuming. One … Read more

How to fill a raised garden bed (and save money)

vegetables growing in metal raised bed

Raised garden beds are so very convenient and can be a great way to grow food on practically any land. But raised beds can be expensive to fill with soil, especially if they’re really tall. The good news is that you can use a variety of materials to cheaply fill raised beds and save money … Read more

Tips for Growing Aloe Vera Indoors and Out (plus Using Aloe Vera)

aloe vera plants growing in a container

There are so many things to love about aloe vera; it’s both pretty and useful. Fortunately, growing aloe is pretty easy and can be done in any climate. Let’s chat about how to grow aloe vera indoors and out. Aloe Vera Benefits The common aloe vera plant packs huge benefits. I truly believe that no … Read more

Quick Start Guide to Growing Food

A collection of baskets filled with fresh produce, including growing okra, tomatoes, and various peppers, displayed outdoors. The vibrant colors of red, orange, and green create a bountiful and inviting scene.

It is possible to grow enough food to feed your family even if you live on a small piece of property. Maybe not 100% of your fruit and vegetable needs but, honestly, I don’t know anyone who grows 100% of their food. This is a really long article, so you might want to grab a … Read more

What you need to know about mulch for the vegetable garden

image of vegetable garden with hay mulch

Using mulch in the vegetable garden isn’t just about having a prettier garden. Mulch can help control weeds, build the soil, reduce watering, and much more. So, exactly what is mulch? What is mulch? There are various definitions of mulch but basically it’s anything that you put on the soil around a plant – usually … Read more

Indoor Gardening Ideas: Easy Ways to Grow Food

image of lettuce growing in white hydroponic tubes

I have to admit that I’m not the best at keeping indoor plants alive. I’m not sure exactly what the issue is, but most of my potted plants die. But that doesn’t mean I don’t grow a mean indoor garden – one that’s filled with vegetables and herbs. I think the biggest difference is that … Read more

Using Honey for Allergies – breaking down the evidence

image of a jar of honey with a honey dipper being pulled out

As a family who keeps bees I’m often asked about using honey for allergies – mainly, does it work? The simple answer is “it depends.” There are a lot of variables to consider when deciding to use local raw honey as part of your seasonal allergy protocol. The basic thought process of using honey for … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Growing Figs – in the backyard or indoors

Close-up of a fig tree branch with several ripe and unripe figs, showcasing a mix of purple and green hues. Ideal for those interested in growing figs, the broad, vibrant leaves complete a lush backdrop that makes cultivating your own tiny orchard tempting.

Because figs don’t ship well, it’s hard to find fresh figs in the local grocery store. Fortunately, fig trees are easy to grow and care for, making them perfect for growing in the backyard orchard. Fig trees ( Ficus carica) originated in Northwestern Asia and the Middle East. They were brought to the Americas by … Read more

Growing and Planting Sweet Potato Slips

a bowl with a sprouting sweet potato in it

Unlike regular potatoes and other vegetables, sweet potatoes are not started from seed or from an older potato, they’re started from slips. Sweet potato slips are small plants that sprout from the sweet potato tuber. And they’re super easy to grow at home and without any special equipment. The first time I grew sweet potatoes, … Read more

DIY Irrigation Systems to Save Water in The Garden

Milk Jug Irrigation is a great way to make sure that your garden gets watered deeply during the summer.

Sometimes I feel like some of the things our family does would qualify in the list “You might be a ______ if…”; You can fill in the blank…redneck, crazy woman, frugal gardener, whatever. Our diy irrigation system for the garden probably qualifies us as one of those things. Ensuring that your garden gets adequate water … Read more

How to Grow Lettuce in Any Climate

A garden bed of lettuce with text overlay

It probably doesn’t surprise you that the most popular salad vegetable grown in home vegetable gardens is lettuce. Lettuce is one of the fastest producing vegetables you can grow and the foundation of most salads. Unfortunately, growing lettuce can be a little tricky, especially in warmer climates. However, as long as you understand a little … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Growing Green Beans

Growing green beans is for beginner and experienced gardeners. Learn how to grow, harvest, and store green beans plus how to choose the best green bean varieties for your vegetable garden.

After tomatoes, green beans might just be the most popular home vegetable garden crop. And for good reason! They’re easy to grow, super prolific, and quite tasty. Every year we grow green beans for eating fresh and for preserving. Now, green beans also have other names. Some people call them snap beans because they make … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Growing and Using Carrots

Growing carrots can sometimes be tricky but they are well worth the effort! Learn now to grow, harvest, and store carrots. Plus how to use the whole carrot, including the green carrot tops.

Carrots are the most popular root vegetable grown in the home garden. And for good reason. They taste great, are super nutritious, and are fun to pull up. Growing carrots, isn’t all fun and games, though. They’re particular when it comes to soil and can be stubborn when it comes to germinating. Let’s chat about … Read more

Growing Tomatillos {for more than tomatillo salsa verde}

Tomatillo plants are easy to grow, love heat, and need little water. With these tips for growing tomatillos (plus harvesting and storing tips) you can have tomatillo salsa all year.

Tomatillos are nightshade plants that love the summer heat. They’re native to Mexico but can be grown in most home gardens in North America, and are very popular in Texas and the southwest states. We’ve been growing tomatillos for several years and every year I’m amazed at how well they grow with very little care. … Read more

Growing and Using Cucumbers

There are so many reasons to for growing cucumbers; they're relatively easy to grow, they're easy to preserve (and I'm not just talking about pickles), and they taste great. Get started growing and using cucumbers today with these tips.

Cucumbers are one of those vegetables that people tend to love or hate. My family is mostly filled with cucumber haters but that doesn’t deter me from growing cucumbers every summer. They’re worth growing even if only a couple of us like them. Like zucchini and summer squash, cucumbers can be quite prolific which is … Read more

How much to plant to feed your family?

basket of garden veggies

Knowing how much to plant to feed your family for a year is a great help when you’re planning out your garden. What one family of 4 needs is not necessarily what another family of 4 needs, so much depends on taste preferences, your climate, and whether you’re growing vegetable for just eating fresh or … Read more

Edible Perennial Vegetables, Fruit and Herbs to Harvest Year After Year

image of asparagus growing in garden

When most people think about the food garden, they think about annuals like tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli. But there are many perennial vegetables, fruits, and herbs that will grow in all but the very coldest gardening zones. Every year we try to plant edible perennials in our garden. Our goals is that over time we’ll … Read more

Growing and Using Edible Hibiscus – a tasty addition for your garden and kitchen

Edible hibiscus can be grown as an annual in cooler climates and as a perennial in tropical an subtropical climates. Learn how to grow and use hibiscus flowers, leaves, calyxes, and even branches. There are many culinary and medicinal uses of Hibiscus sabdariffa.

We’ve been growing edible hibiscus for several years and it’s one of the most carefree plants we’ve ever grown. Commonly known as Rosella and Jamaican Sorrel, Florida Cranberry, and scientifically as Hibiscus sabdariffa, the flower, fruit, and leaves are all edible. Edible hibiscus is a short-day plant that grows in tropical and subtropical areas. However, … Read more