8 Tips for Getting Things Done

image of paper planner with writing

Looking in from the outside, people often think I do more than I actually do. It’s not that I’m trying to deceive anyone, in fact, when people ask how I “do it all” I quickly tell them, “I don’t.” And no one else does either. NO ONE. We’re all limited by time, finances, and energy. … Read more

How much is enough?

canning jars with diced zucchini in them

How much is enough? And what does enough mean anyway? These are questions that often go through my mind and I wonder if they go through yours too? A few years ago I was talking with a lady from church about canning the elk her husband had brought home from a hunting trip. She later … Read more

Raising Self-Reliant Children (who know how to do stuff)

A man and daughter working on car

Parenting is a journey that never ends, however, you only have about 18 years to truly set your children up to succeed as a an adult. The earlier you start, the smoother it will go. Before you know it, you will have raised self-reliant children who are capable of taking care of themselves, their family, … Read more

Lessons from Ma Ingalls

The Little House books aren't just for children. Here are 11 Lessons from Ma Ingalls that will help you live a more simple life.

This year Esther and I are reading The Little House series for her main school curriculum. I’ve read through the series twice with the older children and I’m excited to share these rich books with Esther. What I don’t remember from my readings a few years ago is being so affected by Ma Inglalls – … Read more

Five questions for a more meaningful and frugal Christmas

several borax Christmas ornaments

Earlier this year I wrote a post about how I struggle with the excess of our society and how our decision to live a simple lifestyle has enabled us to be able to give to those who are in need, both locally and internationally. This is an ongoing struggle for me and probably will always … Read more

Can Living Simply Really Change the World?

A hand uses a round cutter to shape dough on a floured surface, epitomizing simple living. Several cut dough circles are lined up on parchment paper. Text on the image reads: "Does Simple Living Really Matter? Why simply living simply won't change the world.

Simple living is all the rage right now. Of course, everyone’s definition of simple living is a little different as it should be but one common thread I often hear, is how living simply can change the world. I honestly don’t think that my choice to live a simple life impacts people outside my family…unless … Read more

How to use nettles for seasonal allergies

A cup of coffee on a table

Yep, those weeds that sting bare little feet as they run over them are great for helping with seasonal allergies. I use stinging nettle in several different ways to help with season allergy relief. Several of our children struggle a bit with seasonal allergies and I often find myself with itchy eyes when the mold … Read more

Saying No to Say Yes

sign that says "when you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself."

Edited to add: This is our New Year’s day post from 2015. I’m happy to say that 2015 was a wonderful year for us and huge part of that was me saying “no” to things that don’t really matter. There are many things in life that we cannot change, but how we respond to those … Read more

On laundry and other musings

There are many reasons to line dry laundry and saving money is only one of them. Learn how line drying clothes can actually simplify your life.

I have a confession to make….I’ve not been line drying our clothes lately. There are so many reason why, but they all boil down to this spring I let my life spiral a bit out of control and I’ve just been surviving. I mentioned a little bit in my potato dilemma post about how I’m struggling to … Read more

Simple Savings for May

f you are new to our Simple Savings posts, this is where I share all (or all that I can remember) the things we did to save money the previous month. These are usually very simple things and yet when you add them up, they can make or break your budget. But here’s the deal, … Read more

Controlling the chaos {and a free printable planner}

Controlling the chaos is much easier when you have a datebook that works for you. This free printable datebook have everything you need to keep control of the chaos without being overwhelming. There are month at a glace and week at a glance pages. Enough space to keep track o five people, plus a place for the dinner menu, a grocery list and your top five priorities for the week.

{edited to add: This datebook and post were originally published in 2015. The datebook has been updated and now covers January 2017 – June 2018. When you download the weekly planner, it will be the current edition.} I lost my datebook …in December. I’ve kept it together these last six months, but just barely. I … Read more

Rethinking our fencing situation…and a giveaway!

Invisible dog fencing is great for keeping dogs where you want them and out of where you don't. It keeps them safe and helps you be neighborly. There are many options to chose from depending on your circumstances.

Meet Buddy and Bandit. They’re brothers.  I don’t think I’ve officially introduced them to you but we got them as puppies last July. We were still mourning the loss of Rascal whom we had for 8 years. We were briefly visited by a stray that my children named Biscuit but as with most strays he didn’t … Read more

Easy Slow Cooker Granola Recipe

oatmeal granola in an open mason jar

Making your own granola is a great way make sure that you’re not eating questionable ingredients and it’s so much cheaper than store bought granola. This easy slow cooker granola recipe takes some time, but it’s almost all hand’s off time. When I make granola, I make a really big batch. As long as it’s … Read more

How to have a healthier home

We recently had to apply for new life insurance. We’ve had the same policies since before Esther was born and well, since she’s only 5 they won’t last until she’s out of college. When we did the phone interview the person asked about how often we go to the doctor. When she found out that … Read more

Simple Savings for March

SchneiderPeeps - It's often the little things that will make or break a budget. Here are some things we did in March to save (or not spend) money.

If you are new to our Simple Savings posts, this is where I share all (or all that I can remember) the things we did to save money the previous month. These are usually very simple things and yet when you add them up, they can make or break your budget. But here’s the deal, … Read more

Simple Savings for February

SchneiderPeeps - It's often the little things that will make or break a budget. Here are some things we did in February to save (or not spend) money.

If you are new to our Simple Savings posts, this is where I share all (or all that I can remember) the things we did to save money the previous month. These are usually very simple things and yet when you add them up, they can make or break your budget. But here’s the deal, … Read more

Simple Savings For December

It's often the little things that will make or break a budget. Here are some things we did in December to save (or not spend) money.

If you are new to our Simple Savings posts, this is where I share all (or all that I can remember) the things we did to save money the previous month. These are usually very simple things and yet when you add them up, they can make or break your budget. But here’s the deal, … Read more

Simple Savings for October {simple ways to save money}

SchneiderPeeps - Simple Savings for October

I cannot believe it’s time for our Simple Savings for October update already. If you’re new to our Simple Savings post, this is where I share all (or all that I can remember) the things we did to save money the previous month. These are usually very simple things and yet when you add them … Read more

Simple Savings for September {simple ways to save money}

SchneiderPeeps - Simple Savings for September. These are the simple things we did in September to save money. The budget is won or lost one simple action at a time.

Welcome to the first Simple Savings post. In this series we’re going to share the simple ways we save money each month . I’m so excited about starting this series because I truly believe that it is possible to live a very full and rich life and still be very frugal. I also believe that the … Read more

Lowering Energy Costs Using Radiant Barrier

SchneiderPeeps - Lowering Energy Costs with Radiant Barrier

When we first bought this house almost 3 years ago, we made a list of some things we wanted to do to the property and to the house. One of the things we wanted to do was install some kind of  radiant barrier to our roof. We wanted to do this not only to lower … Read more