Ultimate Guide to Growing Figs – in the backyard or indoors

Close-up of a fig tree branch with several ripe and unripe figs, showcasing a mix of purple and green hues. Ideal for those interested in growing figs, the broad, vibrant leaves complete a lush backdrop that makes cultivating your own tiny orchard tempting.

Because figs don’t ship well, it’s hard to find fresh figs in the local grocery store. Fortunately, fig trees are easy to grow and care for, making them perfect for growing in the backyard orchard. Fig trees ( Ficus carica) originated in Northwestern Asia and the Middle East. They were brought to the Americas by … Read more

Edible Perennial Vegetables, Fruit and Herbs to Harvest Year After Year

image of asparagus growing in garden

When most people think about the food garden, they think about annuals like tomatoes, cucumbers, and broccoli. But there are many perennial vegetables, fruits, and herbs that will grow in all but the very coldest gardening zones. Every year we try to plant edible perennials in our garden. Our goals is that over time we’ll … Read more

Planting and planning a family orchard

image of meyer lemons growing on lemon tree

Growing a fruit garden on your property will give you years of harvest as most fruits are perennial plants. Your backyard orchard will provide food for your family and wildlife and add beauty and shade to your property. Since the day we moved here (even before that really) we knew we wanted to grow a … Read more

Six fast growing fruit trees {and one vegetable}

image of ripe figs growing on fig tree

Aww, fruit trees! It’s been said that the best time to plant a fruit tree is yesterday – because they take so long to produce. And while it’s true that you won’t get fruit the first year you plant a fruit tree it doesn’t have to take years and years to get fruit either. There … Read more

Growing Pineapples from Store Bought Tops

image of a pineapple growing on plant

Of all this things I’ve grown, I think I’m most excited about growing pineapples. I’m not really sure why but I am. There’s something wonderful about planting the top of a pineapple and in a couple of years have fruit. This photo is from August 2011. About 4  months after I planted a pineapple top … Read more

Growing Meyer Lemon and Other Citrus Indoors or Out

A cluster of ripe yellow lemons hangs from the branches of a lemon tree in the October garden. Surrounded by lush green leaves, the dense branches indicate a healthy and abundant tree in this natural outdoor setting.

We’ve been growing citrus for about 10 years and they grow quite easily in our climate. However, citrus can also be grown in pots and even indoors. Meyer lemons and satsuma oranges are great for growing citrus indoors. For the most part, all citrus has the same growing requirements. Of course, some citrus varieties are … Read more

In the garden…melons

Four melons are nestled among green leaves in a garden. A text overlay reads "Growing Melons SchneiderPeeps.

When we planted our Roma tomatoes this year we put some of last years compost in the bed. For all the other beds we used aged hay from a friend’s horse and goats. By the time we planted the Romas we were out of farm “stuff”. I had started my Romas from seed and a … Read more