Growing a Mulberry Tree {and how to use mulberry leaves, branches, and berries}

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A mulberry tree is a must for your homestead or backyard. They are fast growing shade trees and provide food for your family and fodder for chickens, ducks, goats and other livestock. The mulberry tree leaves, bark and berries are all edible.

Mulberry trees are a wonderful addition to the family orchard.

When we moved to our property we were so happy to find a large mulberry tree. The tree is actually in our neighbor’s yard but is huge and hangs over our fence. We’ve planted a few more around out property just in case something happens to our neighbor’s tree. One thing we’ve learned is that growing mulberry trees is pretty easy.

There are three main varieties of mulberries; red (morus rubra), white (morus alba) and black (m. nigra) – there is also an Texas mulberry tree (that has other common names). The red mulberry tree and the Texas mulberry tree are native to North America.

image of white mulberry tree

Identifying Mulberry Tree Varieties

According to, “Both mulberries (red and Texas) show a variety of leaf shapes from ovate to lobed from tree to tree or on the same tree. The purple or red fruit (mulberries) of both the Texas mulberry and the red mulberry look very similar to the dewberry.” (A dewberry is a variety of wild blackberry that grows in much of Texas and other southern states.)

The white mulberry tree was first brought to the US from China to help encourage the silk industry because mulberry leaves are a favorite of the silk worm. The silk trade never really took off in the US but the white mulberry tree is hear to stay.

The black mulberry tree originated in Southwestern Asia and then spread to Europe and then the US. It’s the least common mulberry in the US.

As for growing and using mulberry trees there are only minor differences (other than the color) between the varieties. So, if, like me, you’ve inherited a mulberry tree and are not sure what variety it is, don’t worry too much about it.

image of open hands with white mulberries in right hand and black mulberries in left hand.

I believe we mainly have native red mulberry trees. We did find a white mulberry on our property recently that we didn’t plant – it produced white colored mulberries so I’m sure it’s a white mulberry tree. I’m sure it is a gift from a bird passing by.

The problem with trying to identify mulberry tree varieties by the fruit is that a white mulberry tree (m. alba) can produce white fruits, but it can also produce red and black colored mulberries.

To properly identify mulberry tree varieties you also need to look at and feel the leaves. Here’s a good resource for identifying red and white mulberry trees.

Mulberry trees can grow to over 30′ and 20′ across. So, make sure you have plenty of space for it. The good news is that many mulberry trees are self pollinating so you only need one tree.

The fruit is similar to a thin, long blackberry. I think the taste is similar to blackberries with mulberries being the sweeter of the two.

Because mulberry trees produce a lot of little messy fruits, most people recommend that you don’t plant it near driveways or porches. It would be great near a chicken yard, our chickens love hanging out under the mulberry tree and scratching around.

Mulberries are the one thing on our property that I don’t feel like I need to track and keep good notes on in my gardening notebook. They really are low maintenance and such a treat in early spring when they appear, so we just enjoy them for what they are and I don’t try to manage them for more production.

This four year old mulberry tree is about 15' tall and has been producing mulberries for two years.

Planting or Propagating 

When we bought our property there were several very small mulberry trees that were growing from seed on the property. Some got moved to areas where they can thrive and some got mowed down.

I now realize that those trees were probably in their first year, as mulberry trees grow fast. The tree above is now in its fourth year and has been producing mulberries for two years.

Of course, you can go to your local nursery and purchase a mulberry tree and bring it home and plant it. If you are buying a mulberry tree, be sure to check the variety, some mulberries are either self-pollinating or require separate male and female trees to produce fruit.The male flowers are about twice as long as the the female flowers.

But if you have a friend or neighbor who has a tree, you might be able to get one from them. Most people who have a mulberry tree also have “volunteers” pop up on their property.

You can also propagate a mulberry tree from cuttings but don’t take cutting while the tree has fruit on it. The cutting should be new growth, but old enough that it’s not green and pliable, it should be a soft wood cut.

Dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and then plant it in a pot. When the roots have grown and the small tree is growing you can plant it in the soil.

Mulberry trees need full sun, so be sure to plant it in a sunny location.

A mulberry tree in bloom looks like it has fuzzy spiders on it.

Caring for Mulberry Trees

Mulberry trees are super tolerant of all kinds of conditions, however, they do not like to have their roots wet all the time. So, plant them in well draining soil.

Once the tree is established you shouldn’t have to water it unless there is a drought. You also shouldn’t have to use any kind of fertilizer on it, however adding a bit of compost around it each spring will certainly be helpful.

Mulberry trees need very little pruning. If you decide to prune them, do it when the tree is dormant and don’t remove limbs that are over 2″ if possible.

They also don’t need frost protection and are cold hardy to well below freezing (some varieties are hardy to -25F) nor do they need a lot of chill hours and thrive where I am which is along the Texas Gulf Coast.

Web worm damage on a mulberry tree.

Pests and Problems

Mulberry trees don’t seem to have a lot of pest problems. Our tree gets web worms every spring, we just use an old broom to knock the webs off. If the infestation is really bad, we’ll cut the limb off and burn the whole thing. But the tree is very large and seems to bounce back year after year so we don’t use any chemicals on it.

You can also use bt on them which is used in many organic gardens to control worms. Bt will only treat the worms and not the beneficial bugs that are also living on the mulberry tree, however, if you have any butterfly or moth caterpillars on the tree, they will be treated too.

They can also attract white flies, mealybugs and scale. All of these are more of a nuisance than a huge problem for healthy mulberry trees. If you find that the tree is being damaged by these pests, you can do several things to lessen the damage. 

For white flies and mealybugs, occasionally spraying the leaves with a blast of water can dislodge the them and reduce their population. Also, introducing ladybugs and lacewings will help control the white fly population.

I’ve even been known to haul the shop vac out to the garden and suck up the white flies – this is a fun job for children. Controlling ants around the mulberry tree will also help control the white flies and mealybugs, as the ants protect these pests.

For scale, cutting off and burning infested limbs and introducing ladybugs and parasitic wasps will help control them. You can also use a horticultural oil when the bugs are in their crawling stage – however, you’ll also treat the beneficial insects not just the pests.

Mulberry tree leaves make a flavorful and nutritious tea.

Harvesting and Using Mulberries

When the mulberries turn dark purple they are ready to harvest. Now, mulberries are much smaller than blackberries and it takes a lot of them to make a pie or preserve in a jam. So we mainly eat them fresh as a fun treat.

Also, the stems are super soft so we don’t feel a need to remove them, we just eat (or use) the whole mulberry with the stem attached.

However, we also have a container in the freezer that we add to each time we pick and we’ll use these berries in smoothies or combine them with other fruits for muffins.

You can also dehydrate them, just like you would blueberries, and add them to a tea for flavor. 

Not only are the berries super nutritious but so are the leaves. Some people use the leaves as feed for their animals,which I think is a great idea, but they are also edible for people.

Our neighbor’s cow loves munching on the branches and leaves of our mulberry tree that hangs over their fence. Our hens wander over to the large mulberry tree to find shade and treats each day.

image of hens foraging under mulberry tree

You can dehydrate the leaves and make a tea with them (we like to add some of the dehydrated fruit to the leaves for extra flavoring). To harvest mulberry tree leaves, choose mature leaves from healthy plants, wash them, and then dehydrate them in the dehydrator, oven or outside.

If you are interested in learning more about mulberries you might want to check out Herbal Roots zine Mulling Over Mulberries. It’s designed for children but I know some people who don’t have children who love them. I just bought this for Esther and I to go through, I think it will be fun.

The Herbal Academy has a fantastic monograph on mulberries in the Herbarium. If your’re not a member, you should consider becoming one. I’ve found it to be the most cost effective herbal training.

image of mulberries growing on mulberry tree

Do you grow mulberries? If so, feel free to leave an tips or recipes in the comments. 

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

89 thoughts on “Growing a Mulberry Tree {and how to use mulberry leaves, branches, and berries}”

  1. The purple mulberry stain can be easily removed by rubbing with the with a still white berry ( I remember from about 30 yrs ago) You may have already mentioned it, The juice combined with lemon juice is very nice

  2. Mulberries are such a gift. A passing bird must have planted my tree, and every year we eat as much free fruit as we want. The berries freeze well for winter use. They are among the most nutritious berries, too. Most people think it is odd to want a mulberry tree, or to eat the fruit. They don’t know what they are missing.

    • I completely agree! Our mulberry tree is such a blessing. Unfortunately because they don’t ship well and aren’t sold in stores people don’t know how wonderful they are. Thanks for stopping by!

    • The ones growing at my fence line looks more like a vine rather than a tree. I cut them down last year and they are back and larger. I took a photo for a plant identification app which said it was a red or white mulberry tree it is a mulberry tree I do not want to cut it down again.

      • How exciting! Mulberry trees grow really fast but can be leggy when they’re young. I’m sure the truck will thicken as it matures. That’s really great that you were able to identify it with an app.

  3. My muleberry drops most of its fruit in the lapse of two or three weeks. It literally rain fruit and even with the chickens and wild birds festing on it, I can’t keep up with the cleaning. I have to clean the floor twice a day and put in the compost a lot of fruit that is not eaten or else I’ll have a swarm of flies all over the backyard and they don’t leave until the tree stops producing fruit. Is there any way to colect the fruit before it reaches the floor?

    • Brenda, I haven’t tried this but I know some people put a tarp under the tree and collect the fruit each day. Other than picking it, I don’t know how you would collect it before it drops to the floor.

      • I have used a small tarp, but found that it collects both the ripe and the over ripe, slimy fruits. It is easier to keep the grass short and simply “pick” the ripe berries from the ground as they drop like rain. No need to follow the 5 second rule; as they used to say, ” god made dirt, and dirt don’t hurt.”

    • We have a backhoe here at our little farmette and found it really useful in picking mulberries. We have both black and white mulberry trees that are probably 60 feet tall that grow along our woods – too tall to hand pick berries. My husband got our backhoe out and put a beach chair in the bucket and lifted me up. I have a picture of me about 12 or so feet up sitting in the bucket picking berries. The great thing is, the berries which fall off easily, fall right into the bucket, so that the ones that don’t make the pail aren’t lost! We have been making batches of both black and white mulberry jam, mulberry port jam (a real delight) and white mulberry tea. We have noticed a definite health benefit from drinking a cup of hot or cold mulberry tea every day. By the way, it is really easy to make small batches of jam. We pick berries in the evening after work, wash them and throw in a pot with sugar and pectin and they are in jars cooling before we go to bed. It’s so worth it!

    • @Brenda G,
      Try putting a tarp under it and use a rake to shake the branches or comb through, gather on the tarp then dump in compost or feed your animals, I had to fence off my first year mulberry my dogs were eating the leaves.

  4. My tree is in my neighbors yard but drapes over into my yard … the branches are too high for me to harvest them without a ladder so I rely on the birds and squirrels to knock them off … my dogs gobble them up well before they stain the concrete pad 😉 I have a few volunteer trees around the yard .. only one other gets berries and one of the branches is just the right height for my dogs to pick them off the branch them selves … love the mulberries just wish they would last longer than a few weeks

    • The short season is one of the things that makes mulberries a hard plant to grow and yet, it makes those few weeks all the better. Hopefully your other trees will produce soon or grow just a bit taller so the dogs can’t get to them before you do. We also have to use a ladder to pick most of the berries.

    • I love mulberries! The house I live in has 3 huge trees. I usually set up nets to catch them but when my grandkids come I put blankets down for them to sit on while I knock them down for them. I make jam which I don’t have to add much sugar to make it taste good. and freeze them to use year round in oatmeal, muffins and cobbler. .

      • oh, I bet your grandkids love coming to your house! Mulberries are so very wonderful….and underappreciated by most people.

  5. We have a large, beautiful, black mulberry tree that was here when we bought our home 10 years ago. It’s produced regularly for us without care, but we always found the berries to be bland and non-remarkable. Also, based on the leaves, we believe it had some sort of fungus. This year, I decided to fertilize the ground around it with complete organic fertilizer (mixed per Steve Solomon’s book, The Intelligent Gardener), then added some aged manure from someone at our church who raises cattle and horses. The berries are SO much tastier this year! It is amazing what different that made.

    • Cathy, thanks so much for sharing your experience. Soil quality will certainly impact the flavor and disease resistance of fruit trees. I’m so glad you found your answer (that’s a great book, by the way.)

  6. We have a very old mulberry tree in our back yard. For about a month it is messy. However, the birds love it, and my daughter says it is part of her childhood memory. I did not know about using the leaves for a tea…how neat! My daughter has been wanting a cutting from the tree, and I hope to get one with your instructions. Love the mulberries.

    • Hi Maria, what fun that your daughter has such great memories of the mulberry tree. Our little one, who is 8 now, loves to go on berry walks when the mulberries are ripe. She picks them for herself, the chickens and the dog. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. I just got a morus nigra BUSH, labeled mulberry. Gets 5ft tall and 4ft around, per the nursery where it originated. Thought someone with limited space might like to know these are also available. Can’t wait for my fruit!

    And yes, I’m watching for a monkey and a weasel to show up. ?

  8. We have a black mulberry tree and a white mulberry tree. I leave the white ones for the birds and squirrels, and we eat the black ones. I made thin crepes and put cooked mulberries with sugar in the middle, with whipped cream on top. It is delicious!

      • You are really missing out on a wonderful white mulberry jam! I agree that they are blander tasting than the black, but as a jam, they taste a little like strawberry, whereas the black taste more like blackberry.

  9. Thank you for all the good advice! I just bought one tree last fall and am glad IT survived the winter. Hope to have some fruits by next year. Mulberry is not a common fruit tree here in Norway so I have never tasted the fruits myself!

  10. I have just eaten a handful of my black mulberries so good. I love our tree it was a housewarming gift from a dear friend and it is producing more every year at this time of year I always think of my friend who has passed on but still remains in my heart when I look at the mulberry.

    • Thanks so much for sharing, Debbie. What a sweet memory and a reminder that the things we do in this life can still bless people after we’re gone.

  11. I bought my home a couple months ago and just noticed the other day that one of the trees in my yard has berries on it. I have been trying to figure out what type of tree it is and I think it may be a mulberry tree. I hope it is! I am really excited!

  12. I discovered a mulberry tree last year and could not believe how succulent, juicy,, tasty and
    absolutely delicious the berries were. But this year the berries are kind of dry and tasteless.
    Is this common with mulberry trees? Do the weather patterns affect the berries?

    • Hi Janis, yes, weather patterns affect the berries. If you’ve had a very dry spring, that would cause the berries to be dry and tasteless. We’ve seen this with the wild blackberries that grow in our area. Hopefully, you’ll get a big juicy crop next year.

      • Or, you could water it if it’s a dry season, to be assured of juicy berries. This summer, I hauled more water around my one acre than I hope I ever have to again, but after having to have some trees removed, I planted a serviceberry and some paw paws. I plan to plant a persimmon and a mulberry next spring. Very excited!

  13. I’m originally from Northern Illinois and remembered Everbearing Mulberry trees from childhood. Started my own family that’s growing here in North Carolina. When we finally settled in this house, I researched and found Silk Hope Mulberry tree for sale online. Bought it and planted it in late August/September and it was as tall as my three year old girl. The next summer, we fostered a dog that ended up eating the tree down to a 7 inch stub, (Large breeds use the sap to self-medicate). I didn’t give up hope. I removed the tree later and replanted it over the placenta of our 5th newborn and some fresh soil. Our number 5 baby is now 1 year old and our tree is taller and booming with foliage than it was when we bought it.

  14. When we first purchased our home in 1984, we planted two weeping mulberries, after a couple of years, one of them grew higher and higher. One of them is still a weeping mulberry, but the second one is now over 30′ high. They both produce lots of fruits and the birds love them!!! They attract so many birds of all kinds, and it is a pleasure to see them every year. Now, we are about to build a stone patio, and we are worried about the huge mulberry roots and fruit droppings. Does anyone know if the roots will affect the patio stones in the future? I really don’t want to lose this beautiful large tree! It would break my heart if we have to cut it down because of potential destruction of stone patio in the future. Any reply is appreciated.

    • Hi Lina, your trees sound lovely! It may be that the tree is fully mature and won’t hurt the patio but I would ask you local county extension agent or a local landscape designer to come look at it.They should be able to tell you if the tree will be a problem to the new patio. As far as the droppings, they only drop berries for a month or so and the berries could just be sprayed off, they’ll be a nuisance but they shouldn’t permanently stain the patio.

      • We make white mulberry tea and drink it daily. We looked it up when we first started picking the berries and realized how beneficial the leaves actually are. Two of us in our family have autoimmune disease, one that affects the bladder and causes intense pain. They have found relief since drinking the mulberry tea leaves. We simply bring in a handful of leaves still on the small branches, wash them off and put the whole thing in our tea pot with water and bring to a boil. Let steep for about 10 minutes. we drink it hot with honey and a dash of ground ginger. We also drink it cold like iced tea. You can reboil the leaves and it only gets better. Here’s a link regarding some of the benefits. I read in one medical article that they found it reduces the absorption of up to 25% of carbs, which is why the tea is useful in treating diabetes. It also helps with cardiovascular disease and a host of other issues. Wikipedia also has a good article on it.

  15. Hi Angie,
    We planted our Mullberry 4 years ago and its growing beautifully. We had our first great crop of berries last year, but the birds, though I love them, ate every last berry before they were ripe enough for us. We’ve thought about netting it this year, but will it produce more with age to supply the birds and us is our question. Thanks for such great info on my favorite tree.

    • Hi Sandy, yes, it will eventually produce enough to feed the birds and you. In the meantime, netting it is a great idea; it won’t totally keep the birds from getting them but it will help a lot.

    • I’m not sure what you mean by “looks like it was coped.” If you’re digging it up to relocate it, just be sure to get most of the roots. It’s okay if some of them break they shouldn’t regrow a tree, but try not to stress the tree out too much. Replant is quickly in a hole that is the same size as the one you created digging it up and back fill it with the native soil and some compost. Water it regularly until it gets re-established. Hope that helps.

  16. I have one growing, literally 10″ from the house. I only just figured out what it was because it grew delicious berries this year.

    I’m thinking that need to move it though. Is it too close to my house?


    • Yep, it’s too close to your house. If your summers are not super hot and long, I’d move it now. If you mild winters you can wait until the fall.

      • It’s 90 degrees right now, it will get into the 100’s through August, and the winters lately aren’t too bad. I’m in Oklahoma. I’m thinking I’ll wait. Unless you recommend otherwise.

  17. I just planted a Mulberry tree sapling from The Tree Store. It was sent as a free gift as a thank you for my order of various berry trees and bushes. I live in upstate New York and we can get temperatures to 18 or 20 below in winter so I am hoping all my berry plants survive. I planted more for the wildlife than for my family. I had no idea the Mulberry is such a useful tree. Thank you for all the information.

  18. At the moment I am enjoying my black mulberries everyday . My tree is a wonderful gift from the birds and grew so quickly and with no effort whatsoever. It is wonderful to eat mulberries from your own tree and enjoy the beautiful foliage for a long time during the year. Mulberries are so special to me as they remind me of my childhood when with my siblings we used to race to collect the most mulberries and make fun of each other’s wonderfully painted faces and hands.!! My mulberry tree has been very fruitful in producing more of its own kind and I give away the little trees happily to my friends . I would recommend anyone to plant one ..

  19. My husband died 4 years ago… I let our beautiful back yard grow as it may… had someone come and look at the yard to cut weeds that became trees and other overgrown grown cover.. to my delight I had noticed more birds than normal eating berries off these trees that had sprung up and begun trying to identify what they were…looked up fruit tree varieties and discovered I had 6 Mulberry trees at least 20’ tall with tons over red berries and black ripened on them… tasted them….sweeter than blackberries…what a gift…. now I’m in a dilemma.. Harvest then cut down? Leave one for fruit ? I’m 72 don’t know if I can maintain such a wonderful fruit baring tree…🥴

    • Hi Mary Ellen, I’m so sorry for your loss. I would have some of them removed. Mulberry trees don’t need much tending too but depending on the size of your property the fruit can be overwhelming. If there are any that are close to the house or concrete, such as a driveway, sidewalk or porch, I would remove those first. Then pick one or two of the best looking ones to keep. I would do this after you’ve harvested what you you want and can reach. I’ve found that the birds do a really good job of helping me harvest the berries that we cannot reach.

  20. Hello,

    A neighbor has what I assume is a Mulberry tree based on the berries and pictures I’ve seen. Many of the berries have landed in our mulched garden and appear to be germinating all over the place. Will we need to remove these to prevent a tree from sprouting up, or will the fall/winter prevent that?


    • Hey John, I’ve only had a couple of trees actually grow from mulberry droppings and I have a mulberry tree right in my garden. Based on that, I would say don’t worry about it too much, if you notice that they are growing I would pull them up but I don’t think you need pick up all the berries that have dropped. Of course, if they fell in an area where you can easily rake them up then you might want to do that.

  21. Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing. I had no clue you could grow a new mulberry tree from a cutting. Each year, I prune back our tree and use the long, straight, flexible branches to build/reinforce a small fence around one of our gardens. I was surprised to find that one of the branches I used as a post for the fence is currently growing leaves and even fruits! I did not dip this branch in any rooting solution, I can assure you of that! It’s in a very awkward spot, and I’m wondering if it would be possible to uproot and move it elsewhere at some stage (perhaps, once it’s gone through this fruiting season.) Any thoughts?! Cheers from Australia.

    • That’s really cool that you accidentally grew a mulberry tree! Yes, it can be dug up and moved. We’ve done it many times when they aren’t growing where we want them.

  22. Fyi, we harvest our mulberries from the tree by putting down tarp or old/dark sheets, tossing a rope over a limb, and giving it a good shaking. You get a lot of leaves and bugs with the berries, but the kids have a great time and burn up a lot of energy pulling the rope! The also are pretty good at picking out the stuff you don’t want! We get enough to freeze, make jams, and a small batch of strong and tasty wine!

  23. Love reading all stories. I had huge white mulberry tree. At first I thought it was a weed. Then i saw robins eat the fruit. I reluctantly trued it somehow knowing it was mulberry. It was in the middle of the yard and i needed Sun in that area so i had it cut. Well needless to say i never removed the stump and it keeps growing out like a bush. I trim ever year in case i change my mind. Strangely i never planed any other whit mulberry trees but i have six growing now throughout the yard. Can the leaves be harvested long after the fruit is gone. Also i need to know if i can make alcohol tincture from older leaves without worrying about toxins?

    • I love that you’re leaving the tree stump “just in case.” The leaves are best for eating when they’re young. I’m assuming the “toxins” you are referring to the white sap that’s in the bark. Drying or cooking the leaves takes care of that. Since tinctures are usually made with dried leaves and not fresh ones, it should be fine.

    • It could be a several things. Are some of the trees younger than others? Did they grow from seed or were they grafted? Mulberries are funny trees, some can be monoecious, meaning that male and female flowers are found on different trees. Most are dioecious with both male and female on the same tree. I would prune the non fruit bearing trees pretty heavily this year and see if that forces them to fruit. Sometimes monoecious trees will become dioecious trees after they have been stressed.

  24. We have a lovely mature mulberry tree in our backyard. It was gifted to my husband one Christmas as a small potted plant because he loves mulberries. We all love the mulberries in our house, freshly off the tree or make into jam, syrup and other yummy things. Any berries that are no good (such as been on the ground too long or slightly chewed by birds) get thrown into our worm farm. The worm juices eventually produced are recycled back onto the fruit and vegetable plants in our garden.

    Any suggestions on how to keep possums and birds out of the tree? They steal or damage a lot of good fruit from it each season.

  25. Hi, i have a white mulberry tree on the property i just purchased. Are the white mulberries or their leaves toxic to humans?

  26. Where is the best place to purchase mulberries? I purchased two last year from a certain nursery out 2 one persian tree died. The black SuperBerry is thriving,
    So out of 4 trees I ordered only the Black super berry conclusion is its where I got them and they were not cheap , with shipping 120.00 for 4 bare root trees at 1- 2 ft tall and for replacements I’m paying the 37.00 shipping fee, so where is the best place to get a pakistan or white mulberry?
    Thanks for any help

    • Personally, I think the best place to get a mulberry tree is from a friend. They are easy to root from cuttings, so if you know someone who has them ask for cuttings. You can also propagate the one that survived that you planted. I’ve never actually purchased them, so I can’t give you a referral to order them.

  27. My 4 yr. old mulberry tree was covered with small berries in early spring ( the first year I have seen then). I was so excited as I thought this would be my first year for the berries. They all disappeared. What happened?

    • I don’t know. It could be that the tree dropped the fruit due to some kind of stress. It could also be that the tree only put out male berries this first year.

  28. Good morning, was wondering if you were able to give me alittle more information on the mulberry tree, we have 2 mulberry trees and love them, I didn’t know you can eat the leave and bark off these trees, can you eat them raw?? Or do they need to be blanched?? I did hear the white liquid from the leaves were poisonous?? I don’t have a dehydrater so not to sure how to dry them, I also just tried to bottle the mulberries, hope you are able to help me on these questions.
    Thank you ingrid

    • If you are going to eat the leaves (the bark is eaten by livestock, not people) pick young leaves and cook them first. There is a white sap that is latex and can be mildly irritating to some people. For tea, you can string the leaves and just dry them out by hanging them, they don’t need to be blanched first.

  29. I live in zone 5 and just discovered that we have a mulberry tree that’s about 10ft tall.
    So you should be able to grow one too.🌿


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