It’s not that people are intentionally keeping tomato growing secrets, it’s just that sometimes those of us who have been gardening a while forget what it’s like to be a beginner gardener. And sometimes new gardeners don’t know what questions to ask.
I’ve been reminded of this as I help my sister with her first garden. Today, I’m going to share all my tomato plant growing tips that I shared with her.

There are a lot of varieties of tomatoes. Maybe not thousands, but certainly hundreds. In the grocery store they basically come in just a few shapes and a few sizes. But you can get all kinds of shapes and sizes by growing tomatoes at home.
There are cherry tomatoes and pear tomatoes in an array of colors that are great for popping into your mouth whole.
There are slicing tomatoes in red, yellow, green, pink, and even purple.
There are plum tomatoes that don’t have “mushy innards”, as my sister says, which are great for sauces, but also for anyone who doesn’t like the squishy insides of most tomatoes.
Ask around to see what tomato plants grow well in your area and plant those….and plant a new tomato variety that seems interesting that no one in your area grows, just for fun.
Tomatoes are classified in a variety of ways but usually as determinate or indeterminate. Determinate tomatoes usually only grow to about four feet and set a lot of fruit in a short amount of time. Then they’ll die back. Determinate tomatoes are really great if you want to do a bunch of preserving and then be done or if you have a short growing season.
Indeterminate tomatoes continue producing throughout the season. They can easily get over six feet tall. Indeterminate tomatoes are good if you want to harvest tomatoes all season long.
The seed packet will usually tell you if the tomato variety is determinant or indeterminant.

If you need help figuring out how many tomato plants to grow for your family just fill out the form below and I’ll email some worksheets to you.
The tomato cages sold at most stores are worthless. I know, they look cute when you first plant your tomato plant but they don’t give a mature plant enough support. They are good for peppers and growing squash vertically.
There are some other options if you have an open mind. We use metal tote cages (from 250 gallon industrial totes). But this year we realized that we should have used cattle panel arches for some of our Juliet tomatoes (indeterminate) which are well over 6 feet tall and are taking over the luffa trellis. I also like this arch idea.
For determinate tomatoes you could use t-posts or wooden stakes and twine (or strips of old t-shirts).

Plant tomato transplants deep, like 4-6 inches deep. Dig a deep hole and plant the tomato plant all the way to it’s first set of true leaves. You can remove the seedling leaves (the bottom leaves that don’t look like the other tomato leaves). You can also remove the first layer of true leaves so you don’t have tomatoes touching the ground.
Contrary to you might read on social media, all those little hairs on the stem that are now underground are NOT going to form roots. However, the stem does have root nodes all down it and those will develop roots when planted deeply. This will give the tomato plant an amazing root system and help keep consistent moisture in the tomato plant.
Don’t water the tomato plant; water the soil. Unlike greens or brassicas, tomatoes do not like to have their leaves wet. This means no overhead watering. If you have drip irrigation it’s easy to water the soil, if you don’t it’s still easy.
I take the nozzle off the water hose and lay the hose in the middle of the bed under the mulch and let the water run for 10-15 minutes. During that time I can harvest or weed, or just enjoy being in the garden. I check the water every once in a while and move it to get the whole bed drenched.
Which leads me to another thing no one tells you about growing tomatoes. Tomato plants like consistent moisture – not constant water. There’s a difference. You don’t need to water tomatoes every day. Remember their roots are deep since we planted them deep.
Tomato plants like to be watered deeply (hence the 10-15 minute watering per 4×8′ bed) but only every 4-7 days.

Mulching tomato plants helps keep the soil moisture consistent which makes for a healthier plant. I’m sure there are climates where you don’t need to mulch tomato plants but for the most part, I think mulching makes for a healthier plant.
The years we mulch heavily are the years we have the best tomato harvests. The mulch helps keep the soil more consistently moist by preventing evaporation of moisture from the soil. And it also helps keep the soil from getting water logged the few times we get a huge rain storm each summer.
There are other things to know about growing tomatoes but these are the most common things about tomato plants that no one thinks to tell new gardeners and beginning gardeners don’t know to ask.

Great advice, Angie, and yes, things we do and don’t even think about. I did a lasagna type garden this year, so the maters didn’t get planted so deep, but one thing I did do was plant them sideways. And I had never mulched my garden in all my years, but did so this year. I am in 5B, and already have baby maters. And talking about trying a new type of tomato, I have tried a couple this year, the one I am most excited to try is Brads Atomic Grape from Baker Creek Seed. They are supposed to be super sweet and crazy colored. Also new this year, Rutgers, and Dads Sunset Orange. Of course, Yellow Pears are a staple in our garden. Started all from seed this year, a new skill for us.
This makes me so happy on so many levels. Good job trying new things and new varieties. I can’t wait to hear how you like the Brad’s Atomic Grape tomatoes; they sound wonderful.
I am interested in growing Cherry tomatoes, I like their taste, but because of their small size need to have plenty of fruit at the same time. I am going to try to use a large flower pot with outward openings all around + open at the top, think these flower pots were originally designed to grow strawberries and an going to use compound D to nourish them. Any advice would be welcome.
Hi Mark, cherry tomatoes are small but their plants are normal size tomato plants. So, I don’t think a strawberry pot is what you’ll want. You might try using a large pot and a tomato cage inserted into it. Cherry tomatoes are heavy producers and you’ll get plenty of tomatoes for eating fresh from just one or two plants. If you try growing them in a strawberry pot I’d love to know how it turns out.
I am super grateful to you for sharing your experience and wisdom in this column(your site). I have just moved from Zone 6 to 9B in florida. I am enjoying the new planting ideas, and again, thank you for your generous spirit. H
Hi Hannah, I’m glad you found it helpful; that’s quite a climate change. You might find these posts helpful too as you figure out how to garden in a year round gardening climate. Here’s what my gardening year looks like, And here’s how I garden in the fall,
Thank you for this article! I now know some of the mistakes I made with my tomatoes this year. My indigo cherry tomatoes did well and I got a few of my paste tomatoes, but not much else. Next year I will mulch and plant the plants deeper as well as provide better support and see what happens.
I’m glad you found this article helpful!
You’re right, nothing beats homegrown tomatoes and I snagged a ride with my parents to your artisan nursery and picked up Sweetie Red Cherry. Good information about determinate vs indeterminate and you’re right, store bought tomato cages are junk but mine just won’t bite the dust so I haul themed out of storage. Happy gardening!
Our favorite tomato varieties are Cherokee Purple and Amish Paste. I finally stopped experimenting and am sticking with these two.
I love that! I’ve grown Cherokee Purple a few times but they just don’t do well for us – but they taste great!
This year I’m growing Amish Paste tomatoes. They are suppose to be fantastic for sauces and salsa. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m also growing Campari tomatoes (for those of us who think Cherry tomatoes are just too small). Lol
That’s awesome! I definitely want to know how they grow for you!
Hey Angie…I have a question. I’ve been reading your article on canning Beef Stew. Every year I make my deceased MIL’s beef stew recipe in a huge stock pot. Very similar to your recipe but I don’t use okra. Her recipe actually uses elbow macaroni and ketchup in addition to tomatoes. I made a batch just this weekend and would love to can the leftovers. Is that possible? Would I change the cooking time in the pressure cooker or pressure. I normally freeze the leftovers but just don’t have any more room in our freezer. Would love to see your opinion on this. Thanks so much! Vickie…aka Grammie2twins
Hey Vickie, you’ll have to make a few adjustments before canning your MIL’s stew. One thing for sure is that you can’t can it with the pasta in it. You’ll have to add the pasta when serving it. Here are the “rules” for adapting your own soup recipe to make it safe for canning.