How to use nettles for seasonal allergies

A cup of coffee on a table

Yep, those weeds that sting bare little feet as they run over them are great for helping with seasonal allergies. I use stinging nettle in several different ways to help with season allergy relief. Several of our children struggle a bit with seasonal allergies and I often find myself with itchy eyes when the mold … Read more

Conquering dry winter skin with homemade scrubs and lotions

small jars of lip scrub and lotions

Last week we had a little chapped lips issue going on here. We were applying lip balm all day it seemed and still several of us had dry chapped lips. Poor Esther, she didn’t really understand why we kept telling her to stop licking her lips, they were dry after all. But really, licking dry … Read more

DIY Anti Microbial Spray that Disinfects and Deodorizes

Herbal treatments and antimicrobial sprays can help you fight all kinds of virus' in your home, including the flu. This spray is super easy and effective.

First let me say, I’m not a “germ-a-phobe” by any stretch of the imagination. You won’t find antibacterial soaps or hand sanitizes in our home. We just use plain old soap and water to wash our hands with and, for the most part, soap and water to clean with. Rarely do I feel the need … Read more

A Sensitive Subject – Teenage Acne

Close-up of fresh sage leaves on a wooden surface beside a bottle of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a glass of water. The text reads, "An Herbal Acne Remedy that actually works wonders for your skin.

With a house full of teenagers we’ve had to deal with the sensitive subject of acne quite often. Fortunately, none of my children have what would be considered severe acne but they’ve all had “bumps” from time to time. Now, I’m no acne expert, I’m just a mom, but I do know that no one … Read more