In the garden… garden tour and corn harvest

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This is what I brought in one afternoon. I’m not sure how one hen laid 2 eggs, but apparently she did?

We harvested our corn on Saturday. We have 38 ears of corn with a few more still in the garden that were not ready yet. This was a great lesson in procrastination. One of the tips I gave in this post on corn was to put a drop of mineral oil on the tassels when they wilt and begin to turn brown. I did this last year using flax seed oil and we only had a few ears that had earworms.

Well, whenever I was in the garden lately I would think Next time, I’ll bring the flax seed oil out and put it on the corn. Well, next time never came and when we harvested we had to cut the ends off almost every ear because of earworm damage. Lesson learned!

The hens were having a feast Saturday morning!

We also found more vine borers in our yellow squash, white squash and luffa squash. We had to pull 2 of our yellow squash plants, but we do have some new ones growing. Gabriel performed amazing surgery on the rest.

This is our lone luffa squash plant that came up as a volunteer. We’re hoping it survives the squash borers!
Our onions are doing great. Some have already started to fall over, so I think we’ll be harvesting most of them in the next couple of weeks. I’ve already planted some honeydew melon and cantaloupe in the onion beds. In the back you can see our second batch of corn, you can bet I’ll put oil on the tassels this time!
These are my pole beans. The day after I took this picture the buds finally started to open. So soon we should be having more than just squash to eat.

These are the Celebrity tomatoes I bought. They are starting to turn yellow, so maybe next week we’ll have some ripe tomatoes.
One of the basil plants. I can’t wait to start making pesto! In the back are radishes. None of us like them, we plant them so the insects will eat them instead of the plants we like. There are definately more holes in the radish leaves than in the basil, so maybe it works.

We have several “baby” watermelons. All of these plants came up as volunteers, maybe someone didn’t make it all the way to the pasture with the compost bucket last year? At any rate, we had tons of watermelon plants come up in our Roma tomato patch. The watermelons got to stay and the Romas got relocated.

Over all, we’re pretty happy with what’s going on in the garden. We also have some cucumbers, but they are not doing very well, and some garlic, pie pumpkins, potatoes and bush beans planted. We’ll be planting our okra soon and I’ll be planting more luffa, some spaghetti squash and a couple of large pumpkins.

We’re also planning on going to a mushroom farm and getting some mushroom compost. We’ve never used it before, but have heard good things about it.

For other great gardens visit Tuesday Garden Party , Frugal Gardening 101, Outdoor Wednesday and Homestead Barn Hop.

You can find information about these fruits and veggies and more by clicking on the In the Garden tab up top.

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

9 thoughts on “In the garden… garden tour and corn harvest”

  1. I was thinking of planting some marigold in my garden, I’ve heard that they repel insects, but maybe I should try radishes instead! My melons aren’t growing nearly as well as your’s! I planted the melons and cucumbers at the same time, and the cucumbers are three or four times the size of the melon plants. Time to fertilize, I think!

  2. Your garden is doing great! Thanks for the mineral oil tip–I’d never heard that before. I can’t stand husking my corn to find worms!

    Thanks for linking up to Frugal Gardening! Hope you’ll join us next week, too! 🙂

  3. Charlene: I’ve planted some marigolds also, but radishes are so easy to grow. I just let them go to seed and then they replant themselves. They can get pretty big as they grow so give them about 6 inches from any other plants.

    Phoebe: Thanks for hosting Frugal Gardening 101.

    Rachel: We live in South Texas. We planted the corn around Feb. 15th – when the local farmers plant their field corn. Although we can plant early, we have about 6 weeks during the heat of the summer that everything stuggles to stay alive since it gets so hot.

  4. Angi, I love everything that you have harvested. We haven’t planted anything yet. We were down in the 40’s last night. Hopefully we will plant our tomatoes this Friday. It is supposed to be warming up.Christy

  5. Fresh corn oh my there isn’t anything better… Well except maybe some fresh tomatoes, cuc’s, squash oh well I love anything homegrown.. Congrat’s on the harvest ya’ll enjoy.
    Happy Wednesday hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  6. Christy: Thanks! It’s so funny, how I’m all worried that my garden isn’t doing as well as I want it to and it will get too hot soon and some people haven’t even had a chance to plant because of the weather. I guess I should relax a little!

    Zentmrs & Kim: What I read to use was mineral oil. I have no clue what that is but I had some flax seed oil and so used that. But if you know what mineral oil is and have that you can use it.


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