Last year when I started seeds, I used toilet paper rolls to start them. It worked fine. But then I saw the soil block builder and I knew I’d never be content with toilet paper rolls again.
Never heard of a soil block builder? Let me introduce you. It’s this cool tool that takes soil and compacts it into a block. You plant a seed in the block, cover it with soil and let it grow.
Can I just say that I love this little toy tool? In just a couple of hours we started 250 seeds. I’m sure that’s way too many, especially since we haven’t finished tilling up the garden beds. But I can always give away what we don’t plant. I also started some flowers. I’m not much of a flower gardener, but I’ve always wanted to be.
We put up some shelves outside and put the trays on them. I’ve also filled a spray bottle with water so that we can just mist them instead of flooding them with water.
These soil blockers come in all different sizes. I like this one which makes 2″ blocks. If I had a shorter growing season and wanted to start my seeds earlier I would get this “nesting” block kit.
You can find information about other fruits and veggies by searching clicking on the In The Garden tab up top or in The Gardening Notebook.
Hey, if you make them edible flowers, then no worries, right? I love that little toy too…I will have to get one when I start gardening.
I have never seen or heard of this tool. Impressive!
Rachel: I did plant Nasturtiums but I’m not sure I can convince my family to eat flowers. We’ll see.
Patty: I have really enjoyed this thing. I’ll have to give an update when I actually transplant them into the garden.
Looks like you have great helpers.
I’ve never seen one of these before, but it looks like a great little gadget. I am a big believer in starting your own garden plants from seed and if this makes the job easier, I’m all for it.