One of the more fun surprises we’ve had since moving here is the discovery of our neighbors mulberry tree that over hangs on our property. It’s probably about 20 feet tall and full of berries. Everyday someone or several someones are picking berries.

This is the new place that the ladder belongs. Also in this picture is why I can’t seem to get enough berries to actually cook with them. As Gabriel picks Esther eats.

Coming in with the eggs, Esther’s letting me know that they just got 1 berry. We’re still working on counting!

The hens have taken to relaxing in this bare spot near the tree. Dirt baths and berries, what more could a girl want?
We also discovered a small mulberry tree on our property that is very close to the house. We’ll be moving it soon out into the yard so hopefully we’ll have our own tree in years to come.
This post is linked to Tuesday Garden Party.
We have a very big Mulberry tree too. I love it and the kids always eat the berries each year. A few years ago I tried making jelly with the berries but didn’t like it very much and haven’t tried making anything else since that time. I guess this year I need to try a cobbler to see how that turns out.
By the way, I love your egg basket. I have been watching the antique stores for one but so far they are too high.
I’ve heard they don’t make very good jam and jelly. I would like to try these muffins. My mom gave us the basket, I’m sure she ordered it online somewhere. They used to have about 100 hens and it was her egg basket. They don’t raise hens any longer so she gave the kids lots of her old stuff. Hopefully, you’ll find one soon.
Ah, I am envying your hens. I wish we could have followed through on our dream. It saddens me, but what can we do, right? Love that mulberry tree too.
Maybe your county won’t always ban hens? But even if they do, I know you’ll be so excited to be in our own home to be able to have the garden and fruit trees.
I wanted to clarify a few things. 🙂 First, I don’t really envy your hens. Envy is sin. I just wish we could. Our property dimensions don’t allow any one place to have a coop or pen. All chicken structures need to be 150 feet from property lines. We just don’t have the shape of land necessary for it. I’ll have to look around for some local eggs…farmers market or something.
I knew what you ment! I just assumed it was the local gov’t not the property shape. Thanks for clarifying.
It’s nice to be able to harvest from our own yards, or the neighbour’s and free mulberries sound delicious. I wish we could have chickens where I live but in farm country I guess we’d compete with the farmers. I buy fresh free range eggs from one of them.
It’s good that you can buy directly from the farmer but I really wish more local governments would allow hens. I took a peek at your blog and I just have to say your flowering plants are just amazing! I really need to add some indoor and outdoor flowers.
Here’s some mulberry recipes for those that want them http://onjustacoupleacres.blogspot.com/2011/06/close-of-mulberry-season.html
No one grows mulberry trees here on the West Coast (not that I know of, at least) so I’ve never even tasted one! So nice you get to share with your neighbors. 🙂