Seven Habits, One Thousand Gifts and other January Books

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Earlier this year I picked two books a month to read and listed them out. I normally read more than that, but since my way of picking books is usually just perusing the new section of the library there’s books I’ve wanted to read that never get read because I don’t have a list. So for January I read…

I read this book because it is part of a class we put together for our homeschool co-op. Each month the students read a book that will (hopefully) inspire them. Moms are rotating in to teach the class. So I taught January’s book. This book really could have been used for a semester or even a year long class. There was that much information in it. It was a lot to try to take in for a month. Most of the kids didn’t care much for the book, it is definitely written for an adult audience. However, we had great discussion about private victory and public victory. I really appreciate that this book is not just about changing habits, at its core its about becoming a person who values others and a person who is self disciplined. These two traits will carry a person far in life – no matter what their definition of success is. I think the kids will revisit this book when they get a little older.

{One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp}  This is a book I’ve been wanting to read and it’s been all the rage in the blog sphere. Friends have been astounded that I haven’t read this book “yet??” Apparently they don’t know how randomly I pick my books. A dear friend gave me this book for Christmas with an inscription that I will cherish forever. Because I have read both positive and negative reviews on Amazon, I knew that this book was written very poetically. I’m good with that kind of writing but only for short periods of time. So I knew I’d be taking this one slow, what I didn’t realize was just how slow. I’m still reading it!! I’ve determined to just read a small section or two at a time and so it’s taken me a while. I wonder if those who wrote the negative reviews would have done that if their review would have been different? There’s such goodness in here, although I will say, I almost didn’t make it through the first chapter. So far, I’ve thought deeply about gratitude, grace and the goodness of God. It has been oh so very good.

{The Heirloom Life Gardener by Jere and Emilee Gettle} This couple owns the Baker Creek Seed company and has a love for heirloom seeds. The photographs are amazing in this book. They are printed on matte paper and almost look like paintings or drawings instead of photos. It was filled with tons of information about heirloom seeds and growing different plants from seed. This was one of the books I would flip through before going to bed. Very easy, light, feel good reading.

{Practical Guide to Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman}  Elizabeth blogs at oh, Fransson!  and is a very talented sewist. Her book is filled with great tips and fun projects for the beginning quilter. Because I’m deep in the costume making business right now and since I have several incomplete quilt tops in my sewing closet, I knew this would be a picture book for me. I read through the first couple of chapters and then just enjoyed looking at the pictures. Because at the end of some days picture books are what I need.

{Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrews – ebook} I loved this little ebook. What I especially liked about it was that it was short, has very practical advice and has some planning pages… and it is cheap. I like that Amy suggests using envelopes of time just like our family does for finances. It’s very easy to get over committed and this book helps you think through your time.

{Making It by Kelly Coyne}  A friend suggested this book to me and after waiting forever for someone to turn it back into the library I finally got to read it. It was so good I actually bought it. It is full of great ideas for making things instead of buying them. Ideas that range from gardening, home improvement, even keeping chickens and bees. I found out that sweet potato leaves can be sauteed and eaten like spinach or kale. I really want to try some in a container, but I need to get over my reluctance to eat house plants.

I only planned out books for the first half of the year, if you have suggestions for the last half please leave them in the comments.

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

8 thoughts on “Seven Habits, One Thousand Gifts and other January Books”

  1. You’ve got some good choices there. I agree with you on the Voskamp book. She is very poetic in her writing which makes it a difficult book to read. But, I just take if a bit at a time and not worry about it. I will say this: I read a small portion to my husband and had that guy in tears. He literally told me, “thanks you jerk.” Of course I knew he was joking. I laughed at him. Not that it was something to laugh at in the book, but that he feels he has to hide that side of him. Anyway, it’s a good read.

  2. Allison: It’s a really good book. There are some things, like the dry toliet, that are a little beyond me. But I really liked it.

    Rachel: That’s funny he said that. Sometimes I tell Carl, “shut up”. My kids are shocked but it’s only when he’s mocking me and I have no other rebuttle. It’s all in jest.

  3. I had an entire semester on the 7 Habits book in college, it was a business class, so you are right about needing to lengthen the class time. I often think of it. I was going to go over it with my kids while homeschooling and found a teen version to use! Thanks for your opinions!

  4. I know what you mean. Of course we know when our spouses are joking with us. It’s funny! Yet, when our kids joke in the same way, we are shocked. Strange how that works.


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