We have had such a beautiful couple of weeks, it’s hard to believe that just the 2 weeks before that we had severe freezes going on. Those freezes did quite a bit of damage to our plants. I only cover the garden when it freezes, the other plants are on their own. I know, I should do better, but I only have so much time and so many sheets.
First up, mowing the section of the yard that grows like crazy. (I wonder why it does that? hmm.) It’s hard to tell from the picture but the grass was thigh high so Gabriel decided to get out his handy dandy machte to hack it down. People questioned why we would give our boys machtes for gifts a few Christmases ago. Well, you never really know when you might need one.
Phoebe and I worked on the flower beds, we’re moving our Mexican Petunias to surround the oak tree. Our plan is that if we can get enough “gardens” in our yard we won’t have to mow as much. Since the boys mow all spring and summer long for extra money, it is really hard for them to mow our lawn too. Then we get thigh high weeds!
Along with mowing, Josiah had the honor of trying to catch our black hen who is notorious for getting out of the pen. Some in our family call her “Blackie” and some call her “stupid”. I’m not saying who…
Esther occupied herself by moving rocks from where I wanted them to where I did not want them and back again.
Christian worked digging up around the oak tree and mowing. Carl tilled up another bed in the garden. We planted corn last week and it is already about 3 inches tall. Our garden is doing really well, we still have lettuce and spinach, the broccoli and cabbage are growing well and the onions and garlic are doing great.
When I looked out the window Monday morning, this is what I saw…sheep,in my back yard! At first I thought they were goats and all I could think of was them eating all of my garden! They tracked through part of it, but didn’t do much damage. We spent about 30 minutes trying to get them back across the street to their home. Even Rascal helped, he was a pretty good sheep dog.