Self Supporting Bridge

A person in jeans and flip-flops stands on a partially constructed self-supporting bridge. The text reads "How To Build a Self-Supporting Bridge" from Logs are arranged to form the bridge base on grassy ground.

Note: Each week I try to share a popular post from the archives. This post was originally published in February 2014 Saturday we’re having Gabriel’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor here at our house. He passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review in October but since he wanted to have his Court of Honor here we … Read more

The March Garden

SchneiderPeeps - The March Garden in zone 9 is FULL of life. The fruit trees are blooming, the cold crops are being harvested and the young spring seeds are germinating. It's an enjoyable time.

We have had so much rain this year so far and our plants are loving it! So far. We’ve had twice the amount of rain in March than we normally have for the entire month and we’re expecting more this weekend. It’s making for an interesting March garden.  This is our Meyer lemon tree full … Read more

How to use waterwise plants in landscape design

SchneiderPeeps - Using waterwise plants in your landscape design. Low water perennials can help you have a beautiful, low-fuss garden. Not sure what perennials are low water? This article has a great list.

Last week we dipped below freezing for probably the last time this winter. so this weekend we spent Saturday working in the garden and flower beds. Just so you know, I’m not much of an ornamental gardener. We’ve moved many times and my focus is always on growing food first. But now that we are going into our … Read more