Frugal Hospitality

home coffee bar set up

We love having people over to our home. Often my kids will ask if they can have a game night or dance with their friends. We also have things to celebrate with a lot of friends and family, like birthdays, graduations, Eagle Scouts and holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. We will also often have just a … Read more

Six Tips For a No Waste kitchen

The average person throws away 244 pounds of food a year! Let's be below average! Here are six super easy ways to have a no waste kitchen.

Because of having several family celebrations recently, I’ve become very aware of our grocery budget. And Carl has become very aware of how often the “chicken bucket” has been full lately. It certainly isn’t out of control but it could use a little more planning, executing and attention.  During our season of unemployment I was keenly … Read more

5 MORE tips to save you time and money in the kitchen

SchneiderPeeps 5 more kitchen tips to save time and money

  Sometimes it really is the little things that can make all the difference in our schedules and in our budget. A couple of months ago I shared 5 things I regularly do that help me save time and money in the kitchen. I’ve been doing these things for a long time and don’t necessarily … Read more