The May Garden in Zone 9

Lush green leaves surround purple beans hanging from a metal trellis in this vibrant May garden scene. The image features "May Garden" and "" at the bottom.

Our May garden is just delightful! Granted I was traveling for the first two weeks of May so it’s been a really short month for me. We’ve also had much more rain and cooler temperatures than we normally have in May so working in the garden has been a delight. While I was gone, my … Read more

The May Garden

Close-up of ripe red tomatoes on the vine, nestled among verdant leaves and supported by a metal cage. The text "The May Garden in Zone 9" graces the top, highlighting the thriving bounty of

When we planted our garden this spring (early to mid March) I knew I was going to have to just be grateful for whatever our garden produced this year. During our normal planting time Carl was in Manila, Philippines with MetroWorld Child which meant that the beds weren’t prepared quite like we like them because our … Read more

The May Garden

The zone 9 May garden is full of green and blooms. We're starting to harvest the warm loving vegetables like summer squash, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Goodness have we had rain! I’ve only watered twice so far this spring which is a huge time saver for me and the plants love the rain water. It’s been wonderful! Everything in our May garden is so green, such a contrast from previous years.  Our lemon tree is doing great! It’s even blooming again … Read more

The May Garden

Lush green garden with a variety of plants, including a visible squash. A decorative sign reads "The May Garden" with the website "" on it. The garden is fenced with metal bars.

Our garden is full and green and lush right now. I’m trying to enjoy it, knowing that sometime in the next 8 weeks it will become dry and brown and ugly. The pests have been relatively few although my crazy kale has aphids and the pill bugs seem to be multiplying like rabbits. Speaking of … Read more