Growing and Using Basil

A lush basil plant with vibrant green leaves fills the image. Text at the top reads "Growing Basil" and "".

Every summer the highlight of the garden is basil. I know, tomatoes are most gardeners’ pride and joy but growing basil is ours. The reason is that we’ve probably been out of basil pesto for our weekly pizza night for several weeks, if not months. There’s nothing like homemade basil pesto on pizza. Of course … Read more

Personal Priorities and Dreaming…..My Path Out of Survival Mode

If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I rarely have guest writers. It’s a personal thing, this blogging gig, and just like my physical babies, it’s hard for me to share.  As part a book launch team for Crystal of Money Saving Mom, I’ve had the opportunity to “meet” some amazing … Read more

Handling Holiday Stress

Tomorrow is my children’s favorite day of the year. There’s been so much talk about Thanksgiving that Esther is waking up each morning this week saying “Today’s Thanksgiving” and going to bed each night saying, “Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving”. Won’t she be excited tonight when we say “yes” instead of “not yet”. And why are they so excited? Food, … Read more

The Gardening Notebook

Do you read gardening books and think, “Oh, I need to remember that”? And then later can’t remember what you were supposed to remember? Do you take care to write down what you planted and harvested one year only to not be able to find the paper the next year? When you have a question … Read more