The October Garden

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SchneiderPeeps - The October Garden The October Garden is zone 9 is similar to many zones spring garden. We’re planting seeds and transplants for plants that will grow all winter and into the spring. This is such a wonderful time to garden for me, the temperatures are much cooler (today’s high is 86 degrees), there are fewer pests and the pace is so much more relaxing for me than with the spring/summer garden.

harvesting sweet potatoes This is our sweet potato patch that we grew from some volunteers from last year’s sweet potato patch. This was our most beautiful harvest ever. We planted these in a bed that had loose soil and it has made all the difference in the world. 

sweet potato vine So, I’m trying something new this winter. I’m saving some of the sweet potato vines and planted them in a big pot and put it in our bathroom for the winter. The thing with sweet potato vines is that they will root in the middle of the vine. See those roots in the photo above. I also took some roots that were still thin and wrapped them in some damp paper towels and put them in a zip lock back that isn’t closed quite all the way and put them in my refrigerator with out other seeds. We’ll see what happens. 

partial sweet potato harvest This is about 1/4 of our harvest. Aren’t they beautiful? 

butterfly on buckwheat The butterflies and bees are loving the last of the buckwheat blooms. This bed will be planted with garlic next week. 

lettuce and Chinese cabbage transplants We planted some lettuce and Chinese cabbage transplants that I bought from the feed store. I planted lettuce seed in between. Hopefully, this will be a carpet of lettuce soon. 

lettuce seedlings After a few weeks this is what the lettuce seeds are looking like. 

carrot seedlings The carrots are coming up. I never have good germination rate with carrots so I’ll be re-sowing this bed. 

kale seedlings with bug damage Our kale and swiss chard has gotten hit hard by worms. I know it was some kind of worms because after I sprayed with bt they are bouncing back. This is always a hard decision for me. I don’t mind really mind having holey leaves, but I do mind when the plant is completely demolished which is what was happening. Bt is a bacteria that just targets worms and catepillers and is an approved organic pesticide and it won’t hurt the bees, which is my priority. 

okra in October We are still harvesting an handful of okra a day. We love fried okra – don’t just, I fry in coconut oil so it’s healthy, right? 

overgrown tomato patch This is the last of our tomatoes; we are still getting a few cherry tomatoes. This will be pulled and cleaned and onions will be planted in this bed soon. 

pecans in October The pecans are almost ready. The hulls are drying out and opening. They will be dropping soon.

giant lilies in bloom These are giant lilies that my dad gave me about 7 years ago before he passed away. This spring I dug them all up and separated them and this is the first time they have bloomed. They make me smile every time I drive up to my house. 

flame tree Our flame tree was covered in yellow flowers just a couple of weeks ago and the seed pods are so pretty. 

flame tree seed pods Here is a close up of the seed pods – they remind me of Chinese lanterns. 

 This post is shared at Tuesday Garden Party,

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6 thoughts on “The October Garden”

  1. Angi, we planted a Juliet tomato bush this past spring and it has had a great yield! After a rough August, it’s setting fruit again!

    We’re still working on getting a good sweet potato crop. It improves each year.

    Thanks for sharing your gardening experiences with us. It’s fun to follow a blog about gardening and know the person who writes it! Also, it’s helpful because we have the same weather experiences.

    • I’ll have to try Juliet tomatoes next year. I’ve heard they are very tasty. I love tomatoes that will start producing again in the fall. This is by far our nicest sweet potato harvest. Usually they are riddled with bugs. I’m not sure if the plants acclimate to the soil and that’s why they did so well or if it was moving them into a bed with loose soil. It is nice sharing gardening experiences with people in the same area.

  2. How far south are you? I know you have mentioned being on the Gulf Coast. I live in the Rio Grande Valley, just north of the border. My summer garden didn’t do well, but it was more because of a rough goat and a really mean chicken…… What does well in your fall/winter garden. I am planting winter squashes, carrots, lettuce, garlic, and think I’ll try to put tomatoes in containers. We don’t often get hard freezes here, but seems like if I have tomatoes in the ground, we will surely get one!

    • We’re farther north than you are, closer to CC. Goats and chickens can wreck a garden. I plant all that you planted except the winter squash, the plant will die when it freezes and we get several freezes a year, plus kale, swiss chard, onions, beets, broccoli and cauliflower. The kale and chard will actually do well all year long, they both tolerate the heat pretty well. You’re wise to put your tomatoes in containers 😉

  3. Oh, I envy your pecans! My favorite nut, by far. Our sweet potatoes were a bust this year. Glad that you got a good harvest of them. Your fall garden is off to a good start! I will be planting at the end of the week and reseeding where needed. If you haven’t tried pickled okra, you may want to give it a go. I’m hooked!

    • We were so thankful for those pecan trees when we bought our home. They are our favorite also and my husband and 16yr old love to shell them. I need to try some pickled okra, do you have a good recipe you can share?


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