There are so many uses for beeswax that go beyond beeswax candles and salves – those are fun but so are lotions, growing mushrooms and wood polish. Let’s explore what beeswax is, where to get beeswax, and how to use it in your home and for your body.
We have beeswax…and a lot of it. Gabriel has been doing quite a few bee removals and when he removes the bees he also removes all the comb. He brings it all home and we help him process it. Since feral bees don’t build their comb in convenient wood frames, processing this comb is labor intensive.
We’ve developed a little system that seems to work pretty good. And in the end we have jars of honey, blocks of wax and, occasionally, a new hive in our bee yard.

What is beeswax?
This might seem a silly question to some but many people don’t really know what beeswax is. Beeswax is what bees make and use build their home. Beeswax is also called comb or honeycomb, especially when it’s got honey in it. The bees will build cells with the beeswax to store honey and different cells for the queen to lay eggs in. They are quite tidy and efficient in their comb building.
“By the time a worker (bee) is about twelve days old, her wax glands have matured. These four pairs of glands are on the underside of her abdomen. Wax is squeezed out of the glands as a clear liquid. It cools rapidly and turns white. The worker uses her legs to remove the wax, and then manipulates it with her mandibles to build the hive’s architecture. Pure bees wax is used to cap filled honey cells or to build new comb for storage. New beeswax is mixed with old beeswax and a bit of propolis, for strength, when covering brood cells and for use in building bridge comb.” The Backyard Beekeeper by Kim Flottum

Where to buy beeswax
What if you don’t have a beekeeper in your family and need to buy beeswax? I suggest starting your search by calling your local county extension agent and asking if there are any beekeepers in your area. This is a great way to support local beekeepers who might have a hard time finding a market for their beeswax.
The beeswax from a local beekeeper will probably not be super light unless he keeps the capping wax separate from the other wax. It also will probably not come in pastilles but will come in beeswax bars. I have an extra cheese grater that I use just for grating beeswax. It’s not difficult and since I don’t use it for anything else I don’t have to worry about washing all the beeswax off when I use it.
If you can’t find a local beekeeper, try Uncommon Bees. I’ve met them and they raise their bees very similarly to how we raise ours – they just have 100x the hives we have. Their products are very high quality.
Beeswax comes in a variety of colors based on how old it is, where it was used in the hives, what the bees are foraging when they made their propolis and many other variables. To get pure white beeswax (similar in color to soy wax) it has to be bleached in some way.
Most beeswax will have a yellow hue. We process ours in small batches and everyone is a different color. If we use the our solar melter to process it, the color is more consistent between batches.

Benefits of beeswax
Beeswax has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties (if it’s not heated above 250°F during processing), it’s food safe and smells wonderful. It can be used in toiletries, and in home and garden projects.
Probably my favorite benefit of beeswax is it’s ability to protect the skin and lock in moisture. The older I get the more I struggle with dry skin. And there is nothing that will work better on dry skin that some coconut oil with beeswax melted into it. Or you can make a whipped body butter if you want something a little more fancy.
Is beeswax edible?
Why, yes, it is. Back in the olden days you could find comb honey pretty easily. This is just slices of honeycomb with the honey still in it. When we harvest from our top bar hive, this is how we keep the honey.
You cut off a small chunk and chew it to release the honey. You can keep chewing the wax, kind of like gum. Once you’re done you can spit it out or swallow it. The beeswax will pass through your body undigested.
As far as I know there aren’t any internal beeswax uses (at least none that have been substantiated) so there’s no need to eat large amounts of beeswax. But if you like chewing on honeycomb there’s no need to worry about swallowing it.
Tips for using beeswax
- Never heat beeswax directly over an open flame. Beeswax is flammable so use a solar melter or a double boiler
- Never heat beeswax above 180°F if you want to retain it’s anti-microbial benefits.
- Set aside certain pots, cans, utensils, etc to use just for your beeswax projects. Beeswax is edible so there’s no danger of getting sick or anything like that, but your mother in law might not appreciate you using a “dirty” cheese grater to grate cheese for her fajitas. Trust me, just use keep a designated one. Also, beeswax will begin to smoke at 185°F so any pan that still has beeswax on it when you put it in the oven is going to smoke – a LOT.
You’ll notice that some of the posts are similar but none of them are exactly the same. What works for one person may not work for another and that is ok. It’s good to have choices in life, isn’t it?
One thing I do want to mention is that I’ve seen several articles that say beeswax is good to use to oil your baking sheets. I’m guessing the people who are saying this have done it and have not had any problems. However, know that beeswax will start to smoke once it reaches 250°F …and smoke a lot. Also, once you have it on your pan, it’s staying. I do have a pan with beeswax all over it – it’s the pan I use to make the wax covered cloth. Once one of my kids used it to bake cookies and we thought the oven was on fire because of the smoke. Just be warned.
If you want to learn how to make even more products for your home, garden and body I would suggest getting The Beeswax Workshop by Christine Dalziel. There are over 100 recipes in this book, so there really is something for everyone. Christine writes with the heart of a teacher and is very thorough in her explanations which makes this a great book for a beginning crafter. She also has a wealth of experience which she freely shares which makes this a great book for an experienced crafter. This has become my go-to book on beeswax.

Uses for Beeswax
There are so many uses for beeswax that go beyond beeswax candles and salves - those are fun but so are lotions, growing mushrooms and wood polish. Let's explore what beeswax is, where to get beeswax, and how to use it in your home and for your body.
How to Make a Salve
Salves are easy to make and so very helpful when dealing with skin issues. Use this basic salve recipe to make an herbal salve.
Easy Beeswax Candles in Mason Jars
These beeswax candles in mason jars are perfect for daily use but also for emergencies and gifts.
DIY Black Drawing Salve
Keeping a jar of homemade drawing salve in your natural first aid kit necessary for splinters, bug bites, and other spring time minor injuries.
Healing Plantain Salve Recipe
Use your foraged plantain to make this healing salve for minor cuts and scrapes
Homemade Honey Lip Balm
This honey lip balm is just what your lips need during the dry winter months
Beeswax Luminaries
These beeswax luminaries are a fun and easy project that make a great gift.
Learn how to make your own beeswax wraps!
Get rid of the plastic in your kitchen with these beeswax fabric wraps
Chocolate Scented Lip Balm • Urban Overalls
This chocolate lip balm smells delicious and makes a fun gift.
Moisturizing Nail Cream
Pamper your nails with this moisturizing nail cream
How to Make Cannabis CBD Salve
This CBD salve is great for sore muscles and joints.
How to Care for Wooden Kitchen Utensils
Keep your wooden kitchen utensils looking great with this diy wood conditioner
How to Make Herbal Salve with Calendula and Comfrey
Calendula and comfrey make a wonderful healing salve.
4 Homemade Natural Sunscreen Recipes
Get rid of the chemicals and still protect your skin with these natural sunscreen recipes
Medicinal Yarrow First Aid Salve
This yarrow salve is fantastic for healing minor cuts and bruises
7 Homemade Shampoo Bar Recipes
There's a shampoo bar for every hair type.
How to Make Bottle Cap Candles
Reuse bottle caps to make cute bottle camp candles
Lotion Bar Recipe - Easy to Make with Just 3 Ingredients!
Lotion bars are super convenient for on the go moisturizing.
DIY Food Safe Wood Finish and Conditioner for Your Cutting Boards
Condition your kitchen tools with this diy wood finisher and conditioner
Homemade Furniture Polish to Restore Wood Furniture
This diy furniture polish will help restore wood furniture
Oven Rendering Honey Beeswax
How to render beeswax in the oven
4 Easter Egg Decorating Techniques
Decorate Easter eggs with beeswax and natural dyes this year.
An Herbal Deodorant That Works& Finally!
This herbal deodorant is easy to make and works like a charm
Herbal Burn Salve Recipe with Comfrey, Calendula, and More
Use comfrey and calendula to make an herbal burn salve that heals and sooths
Detoxing Homemade Clay Deodorant
This detoxing deodorant is fantastic for those hot, humid days
Growing Shiitake Mushrooms on Logs Even If You've Never Grown Mushrooms Before
Beeswax is used for growing mushrooms on logs.
So, tell me what are your favorite uses for beeswax?
Awesome compilation of uses for bees wax. Thanks for putting this resource together, Angi. I just bought 30# of beeswax and my sheep shearer delivered it when he came last weekend. This will last us about 3 years. I use it for salve, hand lotion, food safe wood finish, lip balms, and candles. But after reading your post, I can see that I’ve only tapped the surface of possible uses. Thanks so much.
When people ask me where to get beeswax, I’ll be sure to let them know about your Etsy store. I get asked a lot.
I love your post on the food safe wood finish! My husband made some wooden toys for our grandson and after reading your post it made me think he could use beeswax to seal the wood on the toys.
I think it’s so cool that you have sheep and a sheep shearer. Can you get lanolin from your sheep?
No. Lanolin is fairly complicated to extract. It’s possible but it needs some specialty equipment. But when you handspin the wool you get lanolin all over your hands so you get a free spa treatment for softer skin.
That’s really cool! Maybe I need to learn to spin?
So many great ideas in this post. My favorite use for beeswax is making salves and lip balm but I am going to start making my own beeswax candles too. Thanks for all the tips!
Thanks for letting me share your post, Leah! Those candles are beautiful, aren’t they? I made some of the furniture polish the other day and polished all our living room furniture in the name of “quality control” 😉 it worked so well.
Wow! What a great resource you’ve put together. I’ve bookmarked it so I can come again and again. I’m glad to know where to get my beeswax. I was just telling J I wanted to try candle making because I like candles, but not all the chemicals. I was going to buy the candles ready made because I didn’t know where to get good beeswax. Now you took my excuse away! 🙂 Thanks for putting together so much awesome information. As always, you meet the need.
We’ve made candles but they aren’t nearly as pretty as the ones in these posts. But they smell good. I’m not a big candle burner so a little goes a long way in our home.
Melt beeswax on to rusted bolts and nuts.
What a great idea, Bill! Thanks for sharing.
Can you tell me why your bee-utiful wax has such a wide color range?
That is a great question, Cheri. The longer bees use wax the darker it gets. So, when you find wax that is really light, it’s wax that the bees didn’t use much. Maybe it’s the capping covers of the honey or comb that was just recently made.
Most of our wax comes from bee removals that my son and husband do. Sometimes the hive has only been in the place it isn’t wanted a short time and the wax will be light. But sometimes the hive has been living in the tree or wall for years and the bees have used the wax over and over. For instance, the queen lays eggs in the brood comb, then the eggs hatch and when the larva turn into their pupa stage the workers cap the cell. When the bee matures and leaves the cell, the cell is available to be used by the queen again. This can go on for years in an undisturbed hive and the wax gets darker the more it’s used. The same thing happens with the honey cells.
Since we process the honey and comb in batches as we get it, we will never have a standard color of wax. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Historical re-enactors use it to wax linen thread which they use to stitch leather goods like pouches, moccasins, etc. I know one person who uses waxed linen thread to make baskets as well.
Oh, how cool is that? I had a friend tell me she uses it to run her needle and thread through when she is using a really long piece of thread and it keeps it from tangling up. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks for these great ideas! Along with your shop, you can also list your wax and honey, etc on GottaBee – it’s a directory that helps beekeepers like u! Best wishes!
How wonderful it is to find your website. I’ve been working on becoming more self-reliant and self-sustaining making my own lotions, laundry products, and learning to be more of a survivor since the pandemic hit us. I want to start a garden in and outside of herbs, veggies and other plants that can and will make life easier for me and have seriously thought about bees, and raising them. I try and collect as much information about the subject. I know without bees the world will not have a lot of food because they pollinate the plants to help them survive and grow. I live in a big city, or I should say suburb, and just moved into my place and have a lot to learn and I’m not sure whether having a hive here is wise. I know the light of the bees and would like to be a part of the bee world. If you have any thoughts or advice on this, I’d really like to hear what you have for me.
Thank you
Pamela Doanhue
Hey Pamela, Good for you! How very exciting. Of all “livestock” I think bees take the least amount of managing but they do take some. Here’s an article I wrote on what beginning beekeepers need to know before they take the plunge. One thing to consider, especially if you are single or will be doing the beekeeping alone, is that full hives are heavy. I end up having to use a wheelbarrow because they are too heavy for me to carry. Another option, especially if you don’t have a lot of land, is to use a top bar hive instead of a Langstroth hive. We have both and there are pros and cons to both. Here’s an article about some of the differences. Hope that helps!
Wow! Looks like I need to order some and start crafting. I’m definitely going to make my own lotions to start. Thanks so much!
Hi! Loved your post! So many wonderful ideas! I was wondering if beeswax has an expiration date? I found 3 boxes of beeswax sheets and a box of bars in my basement when I moved here and I’m searching for uses for them. I think they might be 5-8 years old. Can they be used for salves or wraps or other related uses? Or should I stick to non consumption uses only?
Thank you so much!
There’s no expiration date for beeswax. If it smells weird then I wouldn’t use it but since beeswax doesn’t contain water it shouldn’t ever go rancid or bad.