We now have 3 different kinds of chickens, we have a mama and a daddy chicken, 17 “teenage” chickens and 12 new baby chickens. We gave our two small ones to a friend who doesn’t have a rooster. And lost a couple of the Red ones we bought. So we got 6 Orppingtons and 6 Barred Rocks. We thought you’d like to have a peek at the new little family…
Daddy and mama chicken with the “teenagers”

The babies, the black are Barred Rock and the yellow are Orppingtons.
We are learning a lot with this little experiment. Some by trial and error and some by reading great books likeThe Joy of Keeping Chickens and The 4H Guide to Raising Chickens
. Phoebe and Bejamin are learning that the chickens come first, it doesn’t matter if you are tired, or hungry or even sick.
I hope that work ethic will stay with them always.