This weekend our local homeschool group sponsored a graduation ceremony for any seniors who wanted to participate. This was the first time we have been able to go, it was very touching. There were 10 students participating, I personally knew all but 2.
There was a video presentation for each student that each family put together and then the parents and the graduate would go to the front and the parents would present him with his diploma. Each parent had the opportunity to speak. It was interesting to hear what was on the parents hearts as they close one chapter and begin another. Several families were graduating their last child so their lives will radically change. Two young men chose to speak to their “class” both of these young men have a heart for God and I am excited to see what God is going to do in their lives.
The daughter of one of my dearest friends graduated yesterday. We have known this young lady since she was in 5th grade when they first moved here. She has been like a big sister to Phoebe. In the past she has willingly braided her hair, painted her nails, colored with her, etc. When Phoebe sees her and her sisters she runs and hugs them – it is just precious.
I wanted to get her something that was practical and inspiring. So, using this tutorial from “i have to say“, I made her a laundry bag. That way she can go to the laundry mat in style while at college.

That is the practical part, for the inspiring part I gave her a book. I asked her mom what to give her and she suggested Crazy Love by Francis Chan. So, I bought the book and read a little bit of it and really liked it. All morning I had meant to inscribe the book for her, and all morning something came up. So, I thought I would just write on the card instead of the book. Then at the reception following the graduation ceremony I noticed that someone else had gotten her that book (it had a ribbon on it, but wasn’t wrapped). Maybe that’s why I had such a crazy morning! I quickly took the book back to our local bookstore where I had purchased it and they graciously allowed me to exchange it.
I got the book Living on the Edge by Chip . Chip Ingram is one of my favorite authors and speakers. The book is based on Romans 12. The part that I skimmed that really resonated with me was when he talked about friends and living in community. For a teenager who will soon be leaving home and going off to college where she knows no one, I thought his insights on friendship were very wise. He made a comment something like “True friendship is more than just sharing coffee and reading Bible verses together.” I will definitely have to get this book for us.

Phoebe and I also worked on our Summer Sewing School projects, feel free to follow along we’ll be posting the first project on June 2nd.
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