grapefruit tip

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Note: Once a week I share a popular post from the archives. This post was originally published in January 2013.

SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit Although we have quite a few citrus trees all but one lemon tree are very young and did not produce this year. Thank goodness we have friends who have the most amazing grapefruit and lots of it.

I’ve been peeling the grapefruit and just keeping it in a bowl in the refrigerator for whoever wants it. I thought I’d share how I do that quickly…

SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit Cut both ends off with a really sharp knife…
SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit  Then slice the rind off of the sides…
SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit Now you have a peeled grapefruit (I don’t worry about the waste, usually someone comes along and cleans the rinds off for me or we just give them to the chickens)…
SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit Open the grapefruit up and begin taking the pulp out of the casings. You might need to use the knife to loosen the casing at times.
SchneiderPeeps - How to quickly peel a qrapefruit There you have it, a super simple way to peel and segment grapefruit. 

SchneiderPeeps - How to Peel and Segment a  grapefruit These make a delicious addition to salads or salsas.  They also make a great snack. To get your hands on the fruit without the peel or segment walls, follow these steps. What fruits are you enjoying right now?


Thanks for sharing with your friends!

13 thoughts on “grapefruit tip”

    • I know, even here I think it’s expensive. And yet as you drive around you see all kinds of citrus trees with fruit that is just dropping because no one is eating it. The usual excuse is that there’s too many seeds…crazy.

    • Ha! I actually have a grapefruit spoon. I used to use the grapefruit knife from Pampered Chef. I have four of the! I prefer the spoon. It’s funny, I am craving a grapefruit again. Yummy!

  1. We love grapefruit! Just the other day I found 18-pound bags of grapefruit at Wal-Mart for $2.96 per bag! This was the first time I have ever found grapefruit this cheap. We have been feasting on them each day; my favorite way to eat them is to peel like an orange, tear back the inside skin and eat the pulp. Yum!

    • That is an amazing price! Our friend who grows the grapefruit said that she had grapefruit in refrigerator all the way until June last year. She said the peel dried out but the inside was fine. So you might want to stock up.

  2. Looks wonderful!! And yummy. I actually cut up the entire or 1/2 of grapefruit and add to smoothie.

    When eating, I actually cut in half; cut into slices (with rind on, after thorough washing); and dip in plain greek style yogurt. Actually delicious.

    If for any reason, I do not feel ‘right’ about the rind, I just cut it off, but leave the white pulp which is loaded with nutrients and vitamin C.

    • Those are great tips, Wendy! Thanks so much for sharing. The rind and pith is sooooo bitter. But I do dehydrate it and use it for teas with other herbs.

  3. I have an antique set of the most wonderfully efficient grapefruit spoons that I inherited! They are designed with a ridged fluting flaring out from the base. In my teens I used them every day when on the then popular grapefruit diet. I love grapefruit, especially the pink ones.


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