Here’s our other box with broccoli, kale, swiss chard and beets. At the end is the area where I’ve planted carrots 4 times. We’ve had 1 come up. Gabriel has declared it an epic fail.

This is the cauliflower that a friend gave to me back in October. Big, beautiful plants but no heads are forming. I have no idea what’s going on. My friend’s haven’t formed heads yet either. I guess they were bad seeds but we’re going to just let them grow until we need the bed. No one is too terribly sad that cauliflower will probably be another epic fail.

My pineapples are surviving. My tomato plant looks pretty puney but we’re getting one or two tomatoes just in time for pizza night each week.

These bulbs started coming up last week. I love bulbs. I can’t remember what these are, I’ll have to write it down this year when they bloom.

This is a Christmas cactus that I bought. They have the most amazing flowers and they flower around Christmas time. The guy at the nursery told me to repot it and try not to water it too much. No problem there.
I really enjoy fall gardening, it’s so much more laid back than spring gardening for me. I’m trying to enjoy the last few weeks before I need to start seeds and plant fruit trees. Spring comes early around here.
How’s your garden coming along?
This post is shared at Barn Hop #94, The Dedicated House, The Backyard Farming Connection,
Things seem to be doing well!
Thanks, Clint.
I don’t have a garden yet, but I am thinking about thinking about it. LOL 🙂 I do look forward to it though.
I had one of those Christmas cactus…Love the flowers they are so beautiful. I’ll have to get another.
Did your cactus do well? I’ve heard that as long as you don’t water it too much it will do fine. I hope so, they are so beautiful.
I’m so jealous! I’d love to have broccoli right now…but the temps are still in the teens or lower overnight. I would love to have you join The HomeAcre Hop at:
Our broccoli is actually going to seed right now. So we’re eating lots of it and then leaving what has flowers for the bees. Thanks for the invite.
You have such a wonderful looking winter garden. I’m jealous of all that green!
Thanks, Gretchen. It is wonderful to be able to garden year round but I bet it’s also nice to a short break in the winter.