Saying Thank You with Handmade Teacher Gifts {that they will actually use}

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image of handmade spa sets for teachers gifts in clear bags

Twice a year (at Christmas and at the end of the year) parents everywhere are wondering what to give their child’s teacher as a thank you gift. Sometimes it can be hard, especially if money is tight or we have a quite a few teachers you want to give gifts to. Also, we want our gifts to be truly enjoyed and used by the recipient, not something that just collects dust or makes it into the “give away” pile. I’ve found that giving handmade teacher gifts allows me to give gifts to all my children’s teachers (church, dance, homeschool classes, etc) and can be customized for the recipient.

At the end of our co-op year, I like to give each of our teachers a little something to say Thank You. One year we made mini-spa sets for the women and monogrammed mugs for the men. 

image of colorful small spray bottle for handmade teacher gifts

For the spa sets I made rejuvenating peppermint and relaxing lavender sets. I put scented bath salts, a scented sugar/glycerine scrub, a hard lotion and linen spray in each set. Each set costs under $5 to make but I hope it will be something that makes each of them feel special. You can get complete instructions for the spa sets in this post.

monogrammed mugs

These mugs are so fun and you can write anything on them. You can get complete instructions on how to make them in our monogrammed mug tutorial. (By they way, Sharpies won’t last you really need to use Porecelaine pens)

Sometimes we think a Thank You gift has to be big or high dollar and I just don’t think that is the case. So, I asked some of my favorite blogging friends if they had any other ideas I could share that would make good inexpensive teacher gifts. Most of these are not a typical teacher gift, which makes them really cool. And most can be made with your child helping which is doubly cool.

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If you want some fun ideas for wrapping up your little goodies check out this article from Little Sprouts Learning.

For the teacher who is maybe a little more no-frills, or one that you don’t know well, I think the book, Team Challenges by Kris Bordessa looks really fun.image of handmade teacher gifts in gift bags

There are so many wonderful handmade gifts that you can give a teacher to say Thank You. I hope this collection has given you some ideas for thinking outside the box so that you can give meaningful and inexpensive gifts.

What are some simple gifts that you like to give? Feel free to leave your answer in the comments so we can all enjoy them.

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

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