Make your own biscuit and pancake mix

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Whole wheat pancake and biscuit mix in the freezer makes for an easy breakfast. Just dump in bowl, add wet ingredients and cook.

The other day Josiah was “mentioning” that we didn’t have any food in the house…only things to make food with. He was right, I’ve been a little preoccupied with things like tiling a floor and haven’t done a good job of keeping of our homemade snacks in the house.

So Saturday I set out to remedy that and made banana muffins, granola bars and protein bars. I also took the opportunity to make some biscuit and pancake mixes for the freezer. Even though we homeschool and don’t have to rush out the door, I’ve found that having these mixes really helps our mornings run smoother.

drop biscuits from homemade mix
whole wheat pancakes from homemade freezer mix
biscuit and pancake mix for freezer
Yield: 10 -15 pancakes

Freezer Pancake Mix

Keeping pancake mix in the freezer is a great way to make breakfast a little easier. White flour can be substituted for the whole wheat flour and buttermilk can be substituted for the regular milk for fluffier pancakes.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


Dry Mix

  • 2 cups freshly ground whole wheat pastry flour
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt

To make pancakes

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1/3 cup oil (I use coconut)


Put dry ingredients into bag and write wet ingredients on the bag. Store in the freezer for up to a year.

To make pancakes:

Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients until well blended.

Cook on a hot skillet until lightly browned.

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Yield: 16 biscuits

Freezer Biscuit Mix

A close-up of three golden brown and crumbly biscuits made from biscuit and pancake mix, resting on a white plate placed on a wooden table.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


Dry Mix

  • 4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
  • 2 Tbsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt

To make biscuits

  • 1/3 cup oil (I use coconut oil)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cup milk


Put dry ingredients into bag and write wet ingredients on the bag. Store in the freezer for up to a year.

When time to bake, mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients until well blended. Drop by spoonful onto baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes at 425 degrees.

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Whole wheat pancake and biscuit mix in the freezer makes for an easy breakfast. Just dump in bowl, add wet ingredients and cook.

So now it’s your turn. Tell me what your favorite “go to” homemade breakfast recipes are, feel free to leave links to recipes in the comments.

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

14 thoughts on “Make your own biscuit and pancake mix”

  1. I love to use the Heavenly Homemakers recipe for the same. I have one problem with it though, the shortening that is mixed in hardens when it freezes. Hah! So, we don’t use it too much.

    I have already started using my book again. I look forward to better results in our garden this year. Hoot, hoot! Well, Lord willing. I already have my seeds, but still wait for corn and potato seed to come later because they are back ordered. I am sure I will have better results this year. We have covered the beds and have nice compost next to the gardens under a tarp. The beds have a thick layer of leaves decomposing. We also managed to get the electric company to dump a truck of wood chips on our property. Awesome, right?

    How is the family doing?

    • I wonder if you left the shortening out and added it in with the wet ingredients if it would work better? I bet your garden will be great this year. The first year is always hard and add a new baby and a traveling hubby to the mix and it makes gardening really hard. How cool that the electric company will do that, I’d love it.

      We’re all doing good. Adjusting to Christian being gone again, it’s hard on the younger kids…and me. Stay warm!

  2. Hi Angie,

    I just made several bags of the pancake mix and we’re having the last batch for breakfast in a few minutes with the crockpot apple butter I put up last autumn. Can’t wait to taste your pancake recipe!

    I want to put together some of the biscuit mixes next but have a question: the photo shows 1 and 1/2 cups milk on the biscuit mix bag directions but your recipe says 1/3 cup. Which amount should I use?

    • Cheri, thanks for catching that! It’s 1 1/2 cups milk. I’ve changed it in the post. You can alway play with the amount of flour and milk to get the consistency your family likes. Enjoy!

  3. Great idea. I’ve been using homemade ‘Bisquick’ for years for baking. But why are you using zipper bags to store it in? There’s so much waste involved, even if you reuse them a few times.

    • It is so handy having those mixes available, isn’t it? I use the zipper bags because they are convenient to write the directions on and they lay flat in my freezer. While we do limit our plastic use in our home, I’ve used these exact bags for almost two years so I’m okay with it. You could use mason jars if you didn’t want to use plastic.

  4. I love homemade mixes, but have never heard of using pastry flour for them. I want to use my freshly ground flour, what should I add or change? I don’t have pastry flour of any kind.

    please respond through email.

    I realize that it’s been a while since this post, but I’m hoping you’ll see this.


    • Hi Sandra, thanks so much for asking. Pastry flour is from soft wheat. So when you buy your wheat berries to grind you probably buy hard red wheat or hard white wheat. Next time you buy wheat berries look for soft white wheat. Soft white wheat will have less gluten in it than hard wheat so it makes for a less gummy pastry. I’ve found that I can easily substitute soft white wheat flour (pastry flour) for cookie, biscuit, cake, quick bread, waffle or pancake recipe IF I pack the flour like you do when you measure brown sugar. It might take some experimenting but it’s worth it. Also, when I’m out of soft white wheat, I just use the hard wheat and the only one who can tell a difference is me. My family doesn’t care. So if all you have is hard wheat, just start playing with it and make notes. Once you get the final product like you want it, then write that recipe and use it to make your mixes. Hope this helps!

  5. So glad I found you well actually the Lord lead me to you because I was always looking for a pancake recipe that I would like right away, well I decided to use half wheat half white and used canola oil. I made the most fabulous blueberry pancakes! I had to try them before I put them up in mason jars. I wanted to use coconut oil but wasn’t sure how to melt it because I use it on veggies and toast etc but never baked with it before. I love love having stuff made ahead of time. Thank you so much. Please respond by email, Rosz

    • I’m so glad you found the post useful, Rosz! I love it when God provides me with just what I’m looking for. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Thank you! I’ve been looking for a good pancake and biscuit recipe. Love that I can premix and store – BONUS!!


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