This week is preparation week for our Summer Sewing School. Since this class is geared toward non-sewers I wanted to give everyone time to get their supplies together. I’ll repost the supplies each week for the next week, so don’t think you have to have everything the first week. If your just starting here’s some ideas about Basic Sewing Supplies.
{Let me just say a word or two about being frugal. You can spend a lot of money sewing, there are lots of amazing fabrics, multicolored thread, machines that will do everything but walk the dog for you and gadgets that are really enticing. When I first began sewing I had to keep reminding myself that I was in this for the long haul and I didn’t need everything right now…that I could slowly build my supplies with quality items if I were patient. So, if you don’t already have basic sewing supplies know that you really only need a few items to sew successfully. If you need to buy items, buy the best quality you can afford. I tend to spend more money on the items we will use over and over, like scissors, rather than things like thread. If you don’t have a sewing machine try borrowing one or two to see what features you like and what ones you don’t. Then you can get a sewing machine when you’re ready and have some experience.}
All of the projects except the first one will be done with a sewing machine. So, if you haven’t used your sewing machine in a while, now would be the time to get it out and make sure it is working well. Give it a good cleaning and oiling. Also, make sure you wash and iron all your fabric (except the felt) before you make the project.

Week 1 {Supplies}:
Two 9″ X 12″ pieces of felt (different colors, you might also want some other colors for embellishing)
Embroidery Thread – only one color is needed
Needle- hand embroidery, large eye (but not huge) and sharp tip
Straight Pins – I really like long pins – quilting pins. Don’t get the kind with the flat metal head!
Ruler or measuring tape
Seam Ripper
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
Pinking Shears (optional)
Week 1 {Skills Learned}: Blanket stitch, running stitch, whip stitch, back stitch, sewing on a button

Week 2 {Supplies}:
1/4 yard cotton fabric (this can be one fabric or several fabrics, you can even use fabric from the scrap bucket for this project)
Straight Pins
Ruler or measuring tape
Seam Ripper
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
1/4′ Ribbon (optional)
Week 2 {Skills Learned}: piecing, blind stitch and sewing on a button

Week 3 {Supplies}
1/4 yard cotton fabric – something you would like in your kitchen (this can be one or two pieces of fabric)
Batting or thermal batting
Straight Pins
Seam Ripper
Ruler or measuring tape
Fabric Crayons or Markers (optional)
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
Week 3 {Skills Learned}: circular sewing, stacking and flipping

Week 4 {Supplies}
1/2 yard cotton fabric – for outside
1/2 yard cotton fabric – for lining
Straight pins
Seam Ripper
Ruler or measuring tape
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
Week 4 {Skills Learned}: turning long tubes, top stitching, linings, adding pockets, boxing corners

Week 5 {Supplies}
Pattern for pajama pants (you can do this project without the pattern but this is a good project to learn to use commercial patterns. pj pants are all pretty much constructed the same, so you can chose to use the instructions that come in the package or the ones I give in the tutorial)
1 – 1 1/2 yards of cotton or flannel fabric (I like to use vintage and flannel sheets for pj pants)
1/2″ to 1″ inch wide elastic (1/4″ if making toddler pants)
Straight pins
Seam Ripper
Ruler or measuring tape
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
Week 5 {Skills Learned}: cutting out a pattern and inserting elastic

Week 6 {Supplies}
Fabric ( 4-5 fat quarters which are fabric pieces that measure 18″ by 22″)
Double fold bias tape
Batting (18″ by 22″)
Straight pins
Seam Ripper
Ruler or measuring tape
Rotary Cutter (optional)
Cutting Mat (optional)
Week 6 {Skills Learned}: piecing, quilting and sewing on binding
If you have any questions about the supplies ask them in the comments and I’ll answer them there.
Happy Sewing!
Here’s a great place to purchase all kinds of fabric at a fantastic price. (read our affiliate disclosure here)
Okay, your blog is famous for disappearing posts! Wow! I left a comment on one earlier today and now it’s gone. You’re amazing! 🙂 Thanks for the supply list.
Actually, I was messing around with trying to make pages to link to but not actually have on my front page. I obviously didn’t think about how that would impact people following.
Here’s the link http://schneiderpeeps.blogspot.com/2011/06/basic-sewing-supplies.html
Anna wants to do this.
Welcome, Anna!