Being frugal but not cheap

close up of children's pajamas with text overlay that reads, " the difference between frugal and cheap"

There is a way to be be frugal but not cheap this holiday season. Want to know the difference between being frugal and being cheap? Attitude. Frugal says, “I want this Christmas to be handmade in order to give of myself to those around me.; Handmade is beautiful and a good use of my resources. … Read more

Giving Handmade When You Don’t Have Time

Do you want to give handmade gifts but lack the time (or skill) to get them done? Don't let stop you, you can get great handmade gifts for everyone on your list with these suggestions.

For the past few weeks there have been a lot whisperings and shutting doors in our home. It happens every year as we realize that if we’re going to make the handmade gifts we’ve been “thinking” about all year, we’d better get on it.  Every year we say we’re going to start our gift making during … Read more

Five questions for a more meaningful and frugal Christmas

several borax Christmas ornaments

Earlier this year I wrote a post about how I struggle with the excess of our society and how our decision to live a simple lifestyle has enabled us to be able to give to those who are in need, both locally and internationally. This is an ongoing struggle for me and probably will always … Read more

Meaningful and Inexpensive Christmas Gifts

Collage of DIY gift ideas, including braided ornaments, switch plate covers, silhouette art, spice sugar scrub, and a heart-patterned craft. Text: "15 Inexpensive Christmas gifts that cost a dollar or less.

Inexpensive gifts CAN be meaningful, in fact, they are often more meaningful since they are often made by the giver. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite inexpensive Christmas gifts that cost a dollar or less to make. For many years our family lived at or below the poverty level. Carl, my husband, was in … Read more

{wooden dominoes tutorial}

pile of wooden dominoes

Welcome to week four of our nine weeks of getting ready to have a handmade Christmas. Several people have asked me about why I’m doing this series in October instead of close to Christmas. I’m normally a “one holiday at a time” person. When one holiday is over, then I can think about the next … Read more

Handmade Christmas Gifts When You Don’t Have Time

SchneiderPeeps-Giving Handmade when you don't have time. There is no need to feel guilty about not having time (or talent) to make all - or even some- of your gifts. These wonderful small shops have you covered.

While I love to make Christmas gifts for friends and family I usually have too many ideas for the time I have. So, instead of getting all stressed out about not making everything I wanted to, I just purchase handmade items. This way I can feel good about giving handmade but not have to be stressed … Read more

Simple DIY Christmas Stockings

Matching Christmas stockings hanging on wall

For several years I’ve wanted to have new Christmas stockings for our family. The stockings we have are totally fine, but they are a mix and match and are more mix than match, plus I’ve never really LOVED them. But y’all, stockings are expensive, multiplied by 8 (and now 10) and we just cannot do it. So, I think … Read more

DIY His and Hers Pamper-Yourself Gift

SchneiderPeeps - Spa Gift Baskets(3)

My favorite gifts to give are pampering ones. Most people don’t take the time to truly pamper themselves and these kind of gifts give people a reason to take some time out for themselves. If you are struggling to find that perfect gift, consider spending an afternoon making some his and hers spa gift baskets. … Read more

How to Make Borax Snowflakes and other Crystal Ornaments

A close up of borax Christmas ornaments

   We were first introduced to pipe cleaners and borax crystal ornaments when my older children were in elementary school. We made borax snowflakes for a science experiment and had so much fun. In fact, they made so many snowflakes and other crystal ornaments that they sold them for .25 each at a craft fair … Read more

Fabric Gift Bags Tutorial

homemade fabric gift bags with homemade jelly

A  few years ago I started making fabric gift bags to use for Christmas. I love making these bags, they are so simple and just take a few minutes to whip up. We mainly use these within our family so we can use them year after year, but I also make some each year to … Read more

Make Your Own Cribbage Board

wooden cribbage board with a deck of cards on it

Every year for Christmas we encourage our children to make gifts for their gift giving needs. It’s really fun to see what each one comes up with. This year Gabriel made cribbage boards for each family in our extended family – and us, of course. I’m going to share how he made the boards in … Read more

Make Your Own Pick Up Sticks (plus game instructions)

A scattered pile of colorful pick-up sticks lies on a white surface, their vibrant tips creating a textured pattern and adding playful charm to the random arrangement.

   This is our second to last week of Handmade Christmas, it’s hard to believe, isn’t it? We’ve had some great ideas posted, so make sure and look over the last few weeks. We are a game loving family. We love hanging out and playing cards or board games, especially during the longer winter nights. … Read more

Blessing Others During Holidays

A close up of jars of homemade mustang grape jelly

As I flipped the calendar over to November last week, I felt it….pressure. Pressure to make the next 8 weeks amazing. Pressure to find just the right gift for everyone on my Christmas list. Pressure to make sure that all my I’s are dotted and my T’s are crossed for all of the events that … Read more

DIY Monogrammed Coffee Mugs

A collection of white and blue mugs, including some monogrammed coffee cups, is arranged on a table adorned with a festive poinsettia tablecloth. Some white mugs showcase large letters in various colors.

If you’ve been hanging around our little spot on the internet for very long, you’ve probably guessed that I love all things old, vintage and thrifted. I love giving new life to someone else’s cast off items. Monogrammed coffee cups are just the craft to give new life to all those lovely .50 cups at your … Read more

Homemade Decoupaged Christmas Ornaments

several decoupaged Christmas ornaments

The beauty of decoupage is that you can quickly and cheaply turn old things into new things with just paper and glue. Decoupaged Christmas ornaments are a great example. You can always find old Christmas ball ornaments at garage sale and thrift stores and give them new life. To make decoupaged Christmas ornaments you just … Read more

Gift Wrapping Ideas

A jar of homemade apple butter with a metal lid boasts a green label reading "Homemade Apple Butter." It is elegantly gift-wrapped with floral-patterned paper, tied with twine, and topped off with a charming paper flower embellishment—a perfect addition to your gift wrapping ideas.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret, althought I love making gifts, I’m not always the best at wrapping them so that they look pretty. I try but it’s just a gene that has missed me. So, I’m super excited to have Angel from Angel Navy Wife here to show us some … Read more

DIY Marshmallow Shooters

A structure made from white PVC pipes with red and green paint patterns, assembled on a wooden surface. The design features right-angle joints and straight sections forming an abstract shape.

Last weekend we were invited to a birthday party of  twins who were turning 4 years old. Esther has loved her marshmallow gun and she thought they would make a great gift. Instead of making them, I asked Gabriel if I could give them a couple of the ones he had left over from making … Read more

the gift making begins

A framed silhouette

This post contains affiliate links; you can learn more on our disclosure page. The dance company that Phoebe is involved in has a big sister/little sister program. They pair the junior company members with with senior company members so that each girl has someone specific to go to when she has questions or needs help. It also helps the older girls to reach out to … Read more

DIY Heat Therapy Pad

homemade rice heat therapy pad

Welcome to this week’s link up of Handmade Christmas gifts. All the categories will be open for links through Nov. 31st so make sure to go back through and see what everyone is linking up. Also, feel free to link up items as you complete them.   The hardest people for me to make gifts … Read more

Fingerprint Art Bookmarks

Three handmade bookmarks rest on a wooden floor, each showcasing vibrant fingerprint art: one with swirling orange butterflies, another with a bouquet of purple and orange flowers, and the last adorned with pink butterflies. A note reads, "For My Favorite Bookworm.

  When my older children were little their Grandpa gave them a finger print art book. They are way beyond finger print art but Esther thought it was so “beautiful” when I showed it to her. (disclaimer: that was the only link I could find to the book. I’m guessing it’s out of print, I know … Read more