In the garden…leaf footed bugs

A large swarm of leaf footed bugs crawls over a green plant bearing round, orange fruit. The text reads, "Leaf Footed Bugs: what they are and how to get rid of them.

Note: Once a week I share a popular post from the archives. This post was originally published in June 2012. We planted several different varieties of tomatoes this year. We planted Rutgers, Romas, Purple Cherokee, Lemon Boy, Yellow Pear and Yellow Cherry tomatoes. They have all done well and after the season is over I’ll share … Read more

Common Gardening Mistakes and How to Avoid or Fix Them

Green leaves with a text overlay that reads: "Six Common Gardening Mistakes and how to avoid (or fix) them." Discover insightful tips and solutions at

Last week we got quite a bit of rain and although we normally wait until mid October to plant our fall/winter garden, it’s quite a bit cooler than normal so we are starting a little early. When I pulled our seeds out and started going through them, I thought about some of the gardening mistakes … Read more

In the garden…tomato hornworms or tobacco hornworms

Close-up of a tomato hornworm on a plant, with a person's hand gripping the stem. The image text reads, "Tomato Hornworms: what they are and how to eliminate them" and "".

This weekend we discovered tomato hornworms in our garden. Can you see it? Carl had to show me several times before I could figure out what he was showing me. This is how he knew something was up…leaves totally stripped from the top of a very healthy tomato plant.  So now, each evening we have … Read more