Biscuits and scones, anyone?

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SchneiderPeeps - There is a difference between biscuits and scones. Find out what it is and some amazing recipes of each. Being from the South (Texas specifically) we like our biscuits, in fact I had never heard of a scone until I was an adult. Don’t laugh; I lived a sheltered life. But, oh my, the first time I ate a scone, I knew I didn’t want my children growing up quite as sheltered as I was. 😉

So what exactly is the difference between biscuits and scones? Basically, and this is very basic, biscuits are not sweet, are usually made with shortening or lard and if they have anything added to them it’s savory like cheese or sausage. Scones are made with butter, lightly sweet and often include raisins or other dried fruit. 

Now, there are some who have strong opinions about the proper way to make and cut a biscuit or a scone and what exactly to call them. (To further complicate things, in the UK a biscuit is what we in the US call a cookie.) Since I don’t have strong opinions on food, you can call biscuits “scones” or scones “biscuits” and as long as they taste good, it’s fine by me. 

February is National Hot Breakfast month and I’ve teamed up with nine other bloggers and several amazing sponsors to bring you hot breakfast ideas for each week in February (similar to what we did in October for Cookie Month). As a little preview, I thought I’d share with you some of the best biscuit and scone recipes from these bloggers.



What is your favorite biscuit or scone recipe? Feel free to leave links or recipes in the comments.

Thanks for sharing with your friends!

10 thoughts on “Biscuits and scones, anyone?”

    • You’re quite welcome! I made your cheddar bacon scones for dinner Saturday night. They were a HUGE hit! I served them with some fruit and hot chocolate to round out the meal 😉

  1. Being Canadian I didn’t know that biscuits were savory. I always thought they were the same as scones. Scones are pronounced “Skawns” in some places and “Skoans” in others. How do you say it in Texas?

    I like mine with dried cranberries and a hint of maple sugar.
    Thanks for the clarification.

    • Biscuits don’t usually have any sweetness – the sweet comes from the jelly, jam or honey that is served with them. So, we say (or at least I say) “skoans” although I think I’ve heard people say “skawns” – I just assumed they didn’t how to say it properly. 😉 Maple and dried cranberries sounds wonderful.

  2. Growing up in the west i thought biscuits were baked and scones were fried. didn’t really know the difference till we moved to New Zealand and got introduced to scones and clotted cream. Wow. but we could never duplicate the taste. going to follow this and give some of theses a try.

  3. You are spot on about the UK/US difference. And to make matters worse, my mom (from South Africa) taught me to say SKON (rhymes with ‘con’) instead of SKONE (rhymes with ‘cone’). The Brits I meet never agree with me! But we can agree on deliciousness. Thanks for sharing my biscuits!

    • And yet another pronunciation! I can’t wait to actually try your Cathead biscuits. They are on the list for this weekend. Thanks for letting me share them.


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