Gardening Resources Page

Gardening is a great way to make sure your family has the best food available for the the least cost. Gardening can be very expensive but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve listed below some of our favorite resources to help you get the most out of your garden for the least amount of money.

Many of these resources are linked with our affiliate link. You can learn more on our disclosure page.

The Gardening Notebook is the ultimate gardening tool. This printable notebook has over 120 pages of information and organization to help you have the garden you've always dreamed of.


The Gardening Notebook is the ultimate gardening tool. With over 120 printable pages, you’ll find all that you need to create a custom gardening notebook. This one of our ebooks and it’s exactly what we use to keep track of our garden plans and layout from year to year, the varieties that did well and those that didn’t, projects that we are working on and their costs and growing tips for all the fruits and vegetables we grow. If I could only own one gardening tool, this would be it.




Seeds and Plants

Seeds for Generations is a small family owned seed company. The only sell non-GMO heirloom seeds. Seeds that you can pass on for generations. 

 Seeds of the Month Club is a fun way to try new things in the garden. Each month you get four packets of non-GMO seeds in the mail. It’s like Christmas every month. I love my membership as it helps keep my gardening costs down by using their referral program. If you buy a membership make sure you sign up for the referral program and share with your friends. 
 Botanical Interests_Logo Square webv2_250px
Botanical Interests has a huge selection of non-GMO seeds. Many are also organic and/or heirloom. You can often find these in your local nursery or hardware store or you can order them online
 moringa seeds
 Moringa is a highly nutritious edible tree that some cultures call The Tree of Life. It can be grown as a perennial in warmer climates and as an annual in colder climates. I got my trees from Blur Yonder Urban Farm




There are lots of great gardening book out there. I’ve listed a few of my favorites here. The thing about keeping a gardening notebook is that you don’t have to own a lot of books. Check them out from the library and take notes.


The All You Can Eat Vegetable Garden by Cam Mathers – If I lost all my books, this would be the first one I’d replace







Grow Fruit by Alan Buckingham – This would be the second one I’d replace ;-). You can read my full review here.







Four Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman – It’s pretty easy to garden year round where we live but I know it takes more effort in other climates. This book is full of great tips and ideas to garden year round no matter what your climate is like.




Grow Great Grub by Gayla Trail – if you live in an apartment, this is the book you need






Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew is probably the original small space gardener but even if you have lots a room this is a good read with information that you can glean.




Growing Tasty Tropical Fruits by Laurelynn and Byron Martin – the authors are co-owners of Logee’s Tropical Plants in Connecticut. If you don’t live in a tropical location but want to grow some tropical plants this book will inspire you. You can read my full review here






The Home Orchard by Cem Akin– this is a great overview of how to plant and manage a home orchard. It does not have much information about specific fruit trees. You can read my full review here.






Born Again Dirt by Noah Sanders – this book written from a Biblical worldview of farming…very thought provoking.




51F1NGTN2SL._SL250_ The Texas Bug Book by Howard Garrett – this book list all the bugs you can find in Texas (with photos) and tells whether they are good or bad for your garden and if they are bad what to do to get rid of them organically. Although this is written for Texas I bet most of the bugs are the same for rest of the country.

If you are gardening in Texas any book by Howard Garrett will be of great help.






The Art of Gardening by Susan Vinskofski is my second favorite gardening ebook (right after The Gardening Notebook). Not only is there tons of information in it for soil building and growing a garden it is absolutely beautiful. You can read my full review here.






images I’ve been looking for something I can easily slip on and off at the backdoor but that would give me more foot coverage than flip flops, especially with all the rain we’ve had this year. I also wanted something that was more comfortable than rain boots since it’s pretty hot here during the summer. These gardening shoes cover all those wants. Plus they’re super cute. 



This soil block builder is my favorite toy for the garden. So, it’s really not a toy but it’s so fun to use I hate calling it a tool. I can start about 250 seeds in just couple of hours using this thing and I don’t have to worry about buying peat pot or plastic posts which have to be stored. I’ve used this for 4 years and I still love it. To see how to use it you can read this tutorial




Rope baskets can be a great diy project. Here are a few tips to get you started.

These coiled rope harvest baskets make harvesting really easy. We use the big one to run out to the garden and pick just what’s needed for dinner that evening and we use the small one to gather eggs. We also use them when we’re harvesting larger quantities of various things to keep them separate – basil goes in one basket, green beans in another and tomatoes in my big wicker basket. You can find a variety of baskets in our Etsy shop.  (psst…when you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll get a discount code for our Etsy shop, along with other cool free stuff. Just use the form below to subscribe.)



I love these gardening aprons by Reformation Acres on Etsy. They have full aprons like this one and half aprons. They also have kitchen aprons for adults and children. 



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