Fruit Crisp Recipe Using Your Favorite Fruits

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Fruit crisp, or fruit crumble, makes a delightful dessert or breakfast. In this four ingredient fruit crisp recipe I’ll show you how to use whatever fruit you have on hand – fresh, frozen, dehydrated, or canned.

image of cranberry pear fruit crisp in teal bowl

For years we picked peaches for my Mother’s Day gift. We didn’t always go on Mother’s Day, but that was my gift. The orchard was about 45 minutes away from our home and it made for such a fun day.

We loved going out there and picking peaches, chatting with the owner and playing with his dog. It was a day we looked forward to all year long.

The owner of the orchard passed away has since passed away and the orchard closed. We have often wished that someone would purchase the orchard and re-open it. 

This fruit crisp recipe is adapted from their peach crisp recipe. I’ve cut the sugar some, added more oats, and use whatever fruit I happen to have on hand.

Using fresh fruit

Fresh fruit works great for fruit crisp. What I’ve found is that the juicer the fruit the better the crisp. We enjoy using in season fruits such as peaches, nectarines, mulberries, and dewberries (wild blackberries) the best. If we were able to grow strawberries, I bet we’d like those too.

Sometimes I’ll cut up fresh apples for fruit crisp and add frozen cranberries. It’s good but a little drier than when we use peaches or berries.

Image of mulberry fruit crisp in a white and teal bowl with a white napkin and spoon on the right side. There's an 8x8 glass pan of mulberry crisp in the back ground and a small cup of milk on the left.

Using frozen fruit

Frozen fruit and fresh fruit are the most interchangeable when it comes to fruit crisp. We like to use the same frozen fruits as we do fresh fruits because of their higher water content – peaches, nectarines, mulberries, and dewberries. We also like to freeze cranberries when they’re in season in the fall and use them when we make apple or pear fruit crisp.

Using canned fruit

Most canned fruit will work for fruit crisp. You do have to be careful that you don’t include too much of the liquid or else you’ll end up with soggy fruit crisp – and no one wants that!

We can pears each summer and I mainly use them to make fruit crisp. Pears are a little plain so I’ll sprinkle in some Meyer lemon juice and frozen cranberries to give it a nice sweet/tart flavor.

Using dehydrated

Dehydrated fruit, like dried apple rings, will need to be reconstituted before using them in fruit crisp. To reconstitute the fruit, put it in a bowl and just barely cover with water. If you use hot water, they will reconstitute quicker.

You can also use apple juice or other canned juice to add various flavors to the fruit crisp. I like to add a little lemon juice to the water when I reconstitute dried apple rings for fruit crisp.

Other dehydrated fruits that would work well are apricots, peaches, pears, and figs.

Yield: 8 servings

4 Ingredient Fruit Crisp

Image of mulberry fruit crisp in a white and teal bowl with a white napkin and spoon on the right side. There's an 8x8 glass pan of mulberry crisp in the back ground and a small cup of milk on the left.

This 4 ingredient fruit crisp makes a delicious breakfast or healthy dessert. You can use whatever fruit you have on hand - apples, pears, peaches, or berries. If want to serve 1-4 people cut the recipe in half and make in an square casserole dish instead of a rectangle one.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • Fruit - enough to cover the bottom of the pan
  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • 3 cups rolled oats


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F
  2. Cover the bottom of a 9"X13" pan with cut fruit.
  3. Put butter in a medium microwave safe bowl and melt it.
  4. Mix brown sugar with butter. 
  5. Add rolled oats.  Mix well.
  6. Pour the oatmeal mixture over fruit.
  7. Bake 350° degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the sides are bubbly.
  8. Serve warm.  Some of my children like to pour milk over it.


Some of our favorite fruits for fruit crisp are peaches, mulberries, dewberries (wild blackberries), and canned pears with cranberries.

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Where to get fruit

Most of the time, our fruit crisp is made using fruit we’ve grown ourselves or foraged. Fruit can be expensive so growing your own fruit can be a great way to cut your grocery budget. Learn how to plan a fruit garden and soon you’ll be harvesting from your own fruit trees.

Image of mulberry fruit crisp in teal and white bowl with a glass 8x8 pan of fruit crisp in the background

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7 thoughts on “Fruit Crisp Recipe Using Your Favorite Fruits”

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