Probiotic Rich Fermented Dill Pickles – aka Sour Pickles

canning jars with cucumbers in them for fermenting

Traditionally fermented pickles are easy to make and full of probiotic goodness for your gut. These pickles are usually known as sour pickles. They aren’t canned and there’s no vinegar. Every summer we make jar after jar of these naturally pickled cucumbers to preserve for the year. We make whole dill pickles, spears and pickle … Read more

Preserving Meyer Lemons (and other citrus) in a Zero Waste Way

A bowl lemon zest on table with text overlay

There’s a cycle that happens every year in our neck of the woods. Every November through January we have more citrus than we know what to do with. Everyone is “sharing” and hoping someone will take some oranges, grapefruit, and Meyer lemons off their hands before they go bad. Then every summer everyone is wishing … Read more

Canning Venison with the Hot Pack or Raw Pack Method

jars of canned venison

Venison usually refers to deer meat but it can also include any wild game meat such as elk, carabao, and antelope. Canning venison is a great way to preserve the fall harvest and fill your shelves with shelf stable foods for quick meals. It will also free up freezer space and help prepare you for … Read more

Dehydrating Apples to Make Dried Apple Rings and Apple Chips

Dried apples in dehydrator with text overlay reading, Dehydrating Apples for apple rings and chips

I don’t know much about apples, except that they taste really good and are really good for you. There’s also about 5o million varieties so surely there’s a variety for everyone. Apples are one of those fruits that I’ll buy year round (along with bananas) but when they’re in season and the price drops I’ll … Read more

How to Dehydrate Bananas to Make Chewy Banana Chips or Banana Jerky

open mason jars with dried banana chips and banana jerky

Bananas are a favorite fruit in our home because they are so very inexpensive, even the organic bananas are much cheaper per pound than other fruits. And when I can find them marked down because they’re getting brown I buy all I can. We love to dehydrate bananas to make banana chips and banana jerky. … Read more

Can You Freeze Cucumbers? yes, you can!

Wondering if you can freeze cucumbers? Well, yes you can! Start freezing your cucumbers today to use all year long. They can be use for cucumber infused water and a whole lot more. Learn how to freeze cucumbers in a way that makes them easy to use for a variety of dishes.

I was talking with a gardening friend and lamenting our dismal cucumber harvest this year. We have enough for eating fresh but not enough for freezing. She asked, “Can you freeze cucumbers?” Yes, you can absolutely freeze cucumbers and it’s super easy and useful. By the way, she’s bring me some of her excess cucumbers … Read more

4 Ways to Preserve Zucchini to Use Later

A close up a pile of various zucchini and yellow squash on wooden table.

Preserving zucchini and summer squash in a variety of ways is a wonderful way to cut your grocery bill and ensure your family has organic food through the winter months. We are in the height of zucchini and summer squash season right now and while it is overwhelming at times, it’s also a huge blessing. … Read more

Water Bath Canning: Step by Step Guide

water bath canner with home canned peaches in front of it

Water bath canning is used to preserve high acid foods by putting filled jars in a “bath” of boiling water. It’s a fantastic way to fill your pantry with jams, jellies, pickles and condiments. Hot water bath canning is usually the first canning someone does, and for good reason. With water bath canning you don’t … Read more

Preserving the Harvest…Peaches

Preserving peaches is an annual event here. We preserve them by canning, freezing and dehydrating so we can have a variety throughout the year.

We got seven peaches off our peach tree this year. Oh my, they were so very good! But obviously, with only seven we just ate them and didn’t even think about preserving them. So, I did what I do every year. I purchased peaches so I could actually preserve peaches for the rest of the … Read more

Canning Chili con Carne {ultimate meal in a jar}

bowl of home canned chili con carne

I know, who can think of soups, especially heavy soups like chili in this heat? I do. In fact, every summer I spend a couple of days canning chili con carne and beef (or venison) stew for the winter.  Why? Because it helps me feed the family home cooked meals even during the busy school … Read more

Pressure Canning: How to Safely Use a Pressure Canner

pressure canner on stove

Pressure canning is how you can stock your pantry with shelf stable low acid foods, such as vegetables, meats, legumes and even meals in jars. While it can seem intimidating at first, learning how to use a pressure canner is actually quite easy. It’s funny how when people find out that you pressure can food, … Read more

Tips for Preserving the Harvest

A collection of ripe tomatoes in diverse shapes and sizes, including vibrant red and yellow varieties. Text overlays the image stating, "Preserving Harvest Tips," with the website "" below.

Many years ago, I canned about 30 quarts of pear chutney. I had never tried pear chutney, in fact I had never even heard the word “chutney” before that day. But our pear tree was producing a bumper crop that year and I decided it would be fun to try something new. {ahem} No one liked it…not … Read more

Preserving the Harvest….Blueberries

Want to taste summer all year? You can! Learn how to can, freeze, dehydrate and ferment blueberries to enjoy now and later.

We kicked off July 4th weekend by going blueberry picking . Yes, we have blueberry bushes but they are not producing. Last year fire ants got into the pots and destroyed the roots. We bought new plants but they are still young.  Normally, we would just go without but because of all the rain we … Read more

Preserving the Harvest…Tomatoes

There is so much you can do with your tomato harvest. Learn how to can, freeze, dehydrate and ferment tomatoes for now and later.

Preserving tomatoes is a summer tradition in many homes. But preserving tomatoes can be more than spaghetti sauce and salsa.  There are so many ways of preserving tomatoes and really, you need to do what is best for your family. Because I’m pretty simple, I mainly can tomatoes with onions and garlic and dehydrate tomatoes … Read more

Preserving the Harvest….Cucumbers

Canning pickles is not the only way to preserve cucumbers. You can also ferment, dehydrate and even freeze them.

It seems to be feast or famine with cucumbers at our little homestead. Some years I just cannot get them to produce at all and other years I’m wondering what in the world we’re going to do with them all. We’re in a feasting year this year. Normally that would be a good thing but … Read more

Preserving the Harvest…..Herbs

Preserving herbs is easy and way cheaper than buying herbs and spices already preserved. Herbs can be preserved by drying or freezing them, putting them in salt and making extracts.

One of our goals this year was to add more herbs to our garden for both culinary and medicinal uses. Many times those uses overlap. The thing with herbs is that they do not grow year round outside (even in zone 9) and they are not always ready at the same time complimentary vegetables are … Read more

Preserving the Harvest….Green Beans

Preserving green beans doesn't have to be hard or boring. Learn how to can, freeze, ferment and dehydrate green beans to enjoy now and later.

Welcome to week one of Preserving the Harvest which will be a twelve week series on preserving fruits, vegetables and herbs to use throughout the year. My goals isn’t to teach you everything you need to know about every preservation method or every fruit or vegetable. My goal is to encourage you to not see … Read more